Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Two thousand years ago a sex manual written in China laid down a few guidelines for gauging a woman 's sexual characteristics from a careful study of her face .
2 When the temperature cooled down a few minutes later Gallacher headed to the referee 's dressing room to apologise .
3 The dog moved off a few paces and turned back , wagging his tail anxiously .
4 Erm and his claim that in fact the regional draft regional guidance er that has emerged is consistent with this alteration , is not really surprising since the same parties drew up the same document .
5 I built up the same sort of profile about the shipbuilder .
6 He staggered back a few steps and , massaging his face , mumbled in complete astonishment to nobody in particular : ‘ He hit me ! ’
7 In his office an anxious Herr Nordern gouged out a few marks from unenthusiastic colleagues for a wreath for Steinmark 's funeral .
8 He moved back a few paces and , without pausing to think , took a running leap out into the chasm between the two houses .
9 She crashed out a few chords and started to talk to us in a different voice through her ‘ control ’ , who was ( of course ) , a Red Indian — White Cloud or Black Feet or something like that .
10 ‘ I found out a few weeks ago that the canon there says prayers for John every day . ’
11 This gave me pause , and when I returned to the hut I tried out a few grins into a hand mirror , and decided he was quite right !
12 So I told him all I found out like , when he came down a few days later he gave me two fifty , er two pound ten as it was then you know I was amazed at
13 Mala 's vigorous snort stirred up a few echoes , but no one looked around .
14 He woke up a few minutes later .
15 I woke up a few times and got Mum out of bed all bleary-eyed and irritable in her nightie telling her a bogey-man was after me .
16 The attendant giggled and came back a few minutes later with another bowl of rice and chicken , which Myeloski despatched with his customary enthusiasm .
17 The truck came back the same afternoon .
18 Without consulting the master layout plan I have no idea which square yard H24/V72 occupies on the pitch , once the biggest in England until former manager Billy Bremner lopped off a few yards because he thought it put the team at a disadvantage when playing away ( they must now be regretting all those lost square yards they could be selling ) .
19 The ISV programme supposedly kicked off last week despite a quiet little ruling handed down a few days before by MIPS ' new parent , Silicon Graphics Inc , that says RiscOS 5.1 , due in the fall , is the end of the line .
20 After a while , Corbett nodded , handed over a few coins and left , his face wreathed in a complacent smile .
21 However , we climbed up a little way , just to get off the road .
22 WP When East Berlin opened up a few months ago , there were mobile porn shops visiting different quarters of the city .
23 The schedule designer must for every be putting himself or herself into the respondents ' shoes and trying to imagine what it would be like to be asked this question by a stranger who just turned up a few minutes ago out of the blue .
24 Cardiff foreshore turned up a few conger and codling .
25 I only know that he turned up a few hours after the accident and got into some row with the head copper .
26 You said he turned up a few hours after the event , so it seems likely he left London at short notice .
27 ‘ We went home on the Friday evening of the move and turned up a few days later and just started work — it was great ! ’
28 The customer turned up the same day and wanted changes made .
29 British farmers who sold up a few years ago to buy cheap agricultural land in France are also finding that the grass is no greener on the other side of the Channel , and costs more .
30 A woman got up a few rows back , and threw the hood off her head .
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