Example sentences of "[vb past] [was/were] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Or the jurors could have taken the path they did in fact elect , which was to go to the very heart of the matter and conclude that these officers were only doing what they have been trained to do and that all the famous video footage demonstrated was that they had indeed gone by the book .
2 And she said Geoff kept saying to her oh I would n't move from where you are , you know you got your place lovely i if you the reason she moved was cos she wanted Tony to get the breakfast round What was said that 's what Val said .
3 Er the housing issues mentioned was since I 've according to the petition
4 However , what offended was that you lumped Ipswich in with Norwich in ‘ ten recent Norwich releases you should own ’ .
5 Most people thought he looked like a tramp with his habit of tying his trousers up with string , but the first thing that all the dancers noticed was that he had big , flat feet .
6 When Cain made his feelings known , the only explanation he received was that he had to master his sin before God would be impressed with him .
7 Now , erm , the situation there was that my vicar came to see me and , erm , what happened was that we 've got three churches well luckily , one of them only has about twelve in it another has eighty and another sixty and he said well what did he do about Rushdie ?
8 What happened was that we returned to our roots .
9 Because you know money-wise because we were not content to sit back and see er schemes being introduced that , which were going to act as a deterrent to er our members er being able to earn wages er on incentives and so therefore erm what happened was that we agreed that the consultants er head personnel manager would come down and talk to each group of people who were being put on to the incentive scheme , one , in order that he go over everything with them in regard to its application , and two , then answer any practical questions er where our members may find that there could be difficulties .
10 What happened was that we began to do all kinds of things that are normally done to support a tour that you farm out , but we used to do it in-house , so we had our own publicity department , our own travel department — we booked our own flights and our own hotels , we did n't use a travel agency .
11 Kingsley Amis , who wrote an adventure for Bond as well as creating Jim Dixon , reflects aptly on the reasons for his : ‘ What happened was that we came in at the tail end of the literary tradition to the effect that no decent girl enjoys sex — only tarts were supposed to do that .
12 What happened was that we allowed our critics to feed in information about prisons which was to our detriment .
13 What happened was that I mean you made curtains er the rusty red was affected by light , so eventually you got a curtain where where the red spots had been there were holes .
14 ‘ Pretty much what happened was that I 'd been waiting all this time to be successful , to achieve whatever I was going to achieve , now I had and I was sitting in this flippin' hotel thinking : This is not where it 's at .
15 What happened was that I did the work and received not a word from anybody about it .
16 So , of course , what happened was that you had all these wonderful posters about you as you walked in the foyer and as the punters came out drunk , you sold them weekends in Ibiza .
17 What really happened was that he had to climb a length of rope which had mattresses underneath it so that at the end of each take he could simply drop to the ground in safety .
18 What happened was that he fell in love .
19 erm no what happened was that he gave me some bones that were far too big for the dogs .
20 What happened was that he started doing his English Ziggy Stardust dates in early ‘ 72 and he worked without stopping until the summer of ‘ 73 when he did his Hammersmith Odeon concert and retired from the stage .
21 What he himself claimed was that he wished to enfranchise the Tibbu : he proposed to give land to Tibbu from the expropriated endowments of the Sanusi order .
22 The first thing we discovered was that there seemed to be almost no information to go on .
23 The last they heard was that he had gone over the wall for two years .
24 ‘ The last thing I heard was that she 'd gone to America and married some newspaper magnate twice her age .
25 The next I heard was when I had a complete breakdown of Robert and Janet 's income erm with the breakdown of how a new settlement was was brought about .
26 Thus in [ 30 ] the speaker might be taken to suggest that he did not mean that his childhood days had just gone : what he really meant was that they had vanished .
27 From the scared tone of Dyson 's voice , Bob knew that what he meant was that he thought Eddy was dead .
28 That was how she described it to herself , although what it really meant was that he took her to bed whenever he felt like it and occasionally gave her an absent-minded smile backstage .
29 What he meant was that you had to cover a lot of ground to find anything newsworthy .
30 ‘ All I meant was that I find it hard to imagine myself setting up home with someone else again . ’
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