Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] and [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Gerry had seen his face and they got to go and look at the mug shots and all that and er longlegs had been informed across the road because they 'd got er a camera that works and er they got in touch with the , they told the police about it and so they 're going over there to see if it 's been recorded you see .
2 The ‘ enlightened classes ’ failed to appear and respond to a creed forged in their supposed interests : the propaganda of luces could no more create in Spain a bourgeoisie in the French image than the propaganda of free trade , half a century later , could create an English middle class .
3 Instead , they sensibly decided to avoid disputes and differences by jointly employing one average adjuster to advise them on how the loss should be apportioned and agreed to accept and act on his advice .
4 And reluctantly MacArthur agreed to come and talk to the president .
5 fra , ma frame of mind , you got to demand and wait for the answer , even though it might take a minute for the to say erm , erm , oh we use erm , you know , we 've got a , a , a local van that comes and se , like , you know .
6 I stopped to try and look after him .
7 That Nottinghamshire went on working reflects not simply the self-interest of its miners but more importantly the culture that their predecessors ( many of them their ancestors ) helped to create and transmit to the present .
8 The movement ‘ to the people ’ in 1874 , when they tried to live and work in the villages of Russia to spread the word and arouse revolution , was heroic but quixotic .
9 There was a union , a chemical bond , between us , which nature seemed to acknowledge and conspire with , for the wind dropped and the sun blazed forth , and the great hills with their snowy caps shone forth in magnificence .
10 Now it seemed to come and go on the wind .
11 Everything seemed to slip and slither round him — Doyle and the Woman , the dirty plates heaped round the sink , the vast , open view through the window .
12 This is how I came to know and subscribe to CD REVIEW whose cover-mounted CDs have been excellent .
13 Something seemed to tighten and die inside her .
14 Jimmy 's words seemed to stick and hold inside Cardiff 's mind .
15 As the light flickered across its surface , the already uncomfortably organic-looking reliefs seemed to writhe and slither in an even more lifelike fashion .
16 All this militated against the Sunday League , which seemed to shrink and yield in exposure and importance .
17 ‘ I learnt to walk and talk in theatres , ’ said Zach .
18 But it came too late for him to do anything about it , for when he straightened up and turned towards the bank the bullet hit him in the chest and his body seemed to disintegrate and fly in all directions , and he knew that death was on him and that it was something that divided you into a million parts and each fragment screamed as it flung itself into eternity .
19 I can … ’ but the words were stopped in him and he seemed to suffocate and gasp with the sense of a power beyond the Cages that he had sensed briefly before .
20 My father was German , but he came to live and work in England .
21 Consequently , and inevitably , all junior officers were drafted there to do their stint in the overcrowded , overheated and noisy halls of the new airport which seemed to expand and change in a bewildering chaos of new cement and plaster board overnight .
22 Anna , knowing nothing of this , and battling to come to terms with the violence of her surroundings , while The Friends seemed to expand and achieve by the month , succumbed every so often to the demon envy .
23 The whole world seemed to twist and shake about Bernice .
24 Words to express her feelings seemed to wither and die inside her .
25 And those eyes that seemed to dance and scowl at the same time from beneath their fringe of long dark lashes gave him a restless , unpredictable air .
26 Then anti-climax , as they watched its tail-lights in the pitchy dark , lights that seemed to throb and waver in their seared sight before they blazed redly when the brakes went on for the corner by the sailing club slipway .
27 He liked the forked lightning better than the zig-zag kind and now he was gratified by a second many-branched display that seemed to spring and grow from the river itself , blossoming in the sky above the Kingsbrook meadows .
28 As Grainne stood , unable to move , bars of moonlight fell across the creature 's face , and the planes of its features , the angle of its bones , seemed to melt and dissolve into one another .
29 The fireworks seemed to pulse with the music , her skin seemed to melt and re-form from moment to moment .
30 Somewhere beyond , on the forecourt perhaps , orange flame seemed to splutter and flare in the darkness .
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