Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] and [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 Gerry had seen his face and they got to go and look at the mug shots and all that and er longlegs had been informed across the road because they 'd got er a camera that works and er they got in touch with the , they told the police about it and so they 're going over there to see if it 's been recorded you see .
2 And those eyes that seemed to dance and scowl at the same time from beneath their fringe of long dark lashes gave him a restless , unpredictable air .
3 Then the organ grinder pulled me away and I began to cry and pull at his coat .
4 Piano music rippled out into the night as the richly costumed guests began to chatter and exclaim at the torch-lit façade and its huge swags of greenery laced with balloons and ribbons .
5 British industry suffered a major crisis and needed to reorganise and rationalise at all levels .
6 She started to moan and pull at his limp penis .
7 As soon as the hook went in it charged across the river into a weedbed on the other bank , where it decided to sulk and play at immovable objects .
8 He consented to talk and to look at Leonard 's work .
9 John learned to read and write at a local school .
10 ‘ RADA taught me about drugs and I learned to cook and to drive at the RSC , ’ she laughs .
11 After getting the flying bag and doing all the planning and paying Operations , we were so hungry that we had to go and eat at what turned out to be an excellent restaurant where all the airport employees go as well as the passengers .
12 I had to go and look at somebody 's chandelier , that was hanging in the cellar
13 He was aware that Members had to come and go at irregular intervals at the behest of their lords and masters when the House was in session , but he feared the worst .
14 The very successful Dexion slotted angle iron appealed to a very broad market ( anyone whose used storage ) yet it was specialised for the job it had to do and sold at a good price .
15 I had to turn and look at them .
16 What a heavenly dilemma : I wanted to stay and go at the same time .
17 They wanted to stay and listen at the door , but I was n't having that .
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