Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] what be go " in BNC.

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1 Everyone else in the gymnasium stopped to watch what was going on .
2 Twenty-one days later the Prince arrived to see what was going on .
3 Er men were coming , young men were coming out of the forces and er they wanted their jobs back and er I began to wonder what was going to happen to me , if , because I was on the temporary staff and erm there was no guarantee that I 'd be able to stay erm , and then of course erm I was thinking of probably getting married and erm er the salary at that stage was n't er , was n't very much to get married on .
4 I hung back and watched to see what was going to happen .
5 Late one night , the concierge knocked on the door of Beatrice 's apartment , alarmed at the commotion , and demanded to know what was going on .
6 Lifting the phone from the desk , he demanded to know what was going on .
7 He was driving past , saw a light on in the shop and demanded to know what was going on . ’
8 but wi with the Winter 's Tale , I managed to grasp what was going on .
9 He always liked to say what was going to be done , he was very domineering .
10 They just had to know what was going to happen next .
11 He had to know what was going on .
12 ‘ I wanted to know what is going on .
13 He 'd been hearing things , Denis had said , and he wanted to know what was going on at Rafferty 's .
14 As they arrived more people wanted to know what was going on .
15 They just wanted to know what was going on in East Germany there and then .
16 She so desperately wanted to know what was going to happen when she returned .
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