Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] with [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I think you know it 's hard you g got to go with Leicester at the moment because they 're in the pole position and I have for my money been the better side but er Forest do look capable of snatching an equalizer .
2 Rekhi says Novell tried to work with SCO on Unix back in 1990 , and later approached Sun to help with its Intel-Unix effort , but both efforts came to nothing .
3 It promised to consult with Israel during Middle Eastern emergencies in order to determine the degree of assistance that could be offered : ‘ the U.S. government will make every effort to be fully responsive … on an ongoing and long term basis to Israel 's military equipment and other defense requirements , to its energy requirements and other economic needs . ’
4 ‘ It was 5.30 in the morning and I tried to reason with Otto by saying how could I possibly be drunk at that time .
5 In 1965 I came to work with Basil as an art adviser in the West Riding after lecturing for eight years at the Froebel Institute in Roehampton .
6 rachel says she learnt to ski with Chantelle at Gloucester five years ago … she has been out to the snow a few times this season and to be good you have to be able to get out there but this slope is good … and almost like the real thing
7 SHIPPING giant ACL today pledged to stick with Liverpool at least for the next four years after a new contract was hammered out between the Swedish-owned company and Mersey Docks and Harbour Company .
8 Unfortunately , he decided to side with Detroit on the day , so that he might be as comfortably partisan as usual , but he did so among a group of Pittsburgh supporters , whom he referred to throughout the same as Pitts-buggers , which did nothing to improve inter-City relations .
9 ANDY PLATT , the world 's best prop forward , turned his back on Aussie gold last night and decided to stay with Wigan for another two years .
10 Regarding environmental issues , the Group of Seven in the final declaration ( i ) committed itself to undertake " common efforts to limit emissions of greenhouse gases " ; ( ii ) reiterated its support for the negotiation of a " framework convention on climate change " under the auspices of the UN ; ( iii ) committed itself to negotiating a " global forest convention " in order to curb deforestation and protect biological diversity ; and ( iv ) agreed to co-operate with Brazil on a programme to protect the tropical rain forests in that country .
11 so that , that will be quite good , erm and lastly we went to meet with Sandra from Youth Out , fund employed theatrical fund , which was a meeting we were n't really allowed to have , and this is certainly not for the record
12 They preferred to connive with Germany against Poland and never really assessed the value of cooperation at all .
13 Three balls later Wessels ' bat appeared to collide with Kapil at the bowler 's end as the South African turned for a second run .
14 Margaret had to cope with Tom in the mornings , and Gina sat in the long silent room and watched the visitors who came round , talking in hushed voices as if the pictures would be offended , or the artist was hiding somewhere .
15 Ruth longed to go with Anna to their room .
16 One part of the PLO ( Fatah ) wished to work with Jordan towards a diplomatic solution .
17 The two men knew that the USSR had matched them in nuclear terms , believed that the Soviets could help to extricate America from the ‘ unwinnable ’ Vietnam war , and hoped to deal with Russia on rational , balance-of-power terms instead of the ideological rivalry of the past .
18 A similar problem arose when the USA had to deal with Iran over the seizure of its Embassy staff in 1979–81 .
19 Professionally , her opinion carried little weight , but she had to side with Tom on the issue out of her concern for Faye , and her familiarity with the artist 's problems .
20 But Widmark seemed to see this as a sign of weakness and continued to argue with Wayne in front of the cast and crew .
21 The problem , again , was shortage of time : Charles had to return with Judith to Francia to make the most of the expected strengthening of his position in the heartlands between Seine and Meuse .
22 Probably the most important thing about George is why he continued to travel with Lennie for so long and why he needed him .
23 The Danes , too , who tended to side with Britain in resisting this idea , have become noticeably more enthusiastic of late .
24 I intended to stay with Cissie for a fortnight and was still there after three years .
25 The weekly news magazine Panorama published early in February what purported to be the text of a letter written in February 1943 by the then leader of the Italian Communist Party ( PCI ) , Palmiro Togliatti , in which he refused to intercede with Stalin on behalf of Italian prisoners of war .
26 ‘ No doubt that will all come out in court , also the fact that you refused to rehearse with Aschmann past the first week .
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