Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [pers pn] over the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You are naughty , wicked and bad , ’ she cried as she pretended to hit him over the head .
2 At one point , Hounam asks Murrin : ‘ Is Oyston prepared to pay you over the odds for your services ? ’
3 It began to lift him over the stair-rail .
4 She wondered what they would make of it as she got out the vacuum cleaner and started to run it over the drawing-room carpet .
5 Several times a week throughout the cold war British pilots scrambled to intercept them over the North Sea .
6 He decided to telephone her over the weekend , by which time the case could be finished and he would be able to invite her to dinner with reasonable hope that they would be uninterrupted .
7 Eventually , frantic with frustration , I managed to force them over the raw meat of my knuckles with my teeth , my sore and bleeding lips spreading red stains through the grating wool .
8 I had to carry her over the wall , can you imagine , to get her to my rooms .
9 With a gang of laddish stooges grooving alongside to encourage him , Barry continued to lord it over the stage , munching an apple whilst reclining against the drum riser or simply feigning sleep flat on his back .
10 Did you know that passengers on Lytham gas trams had to push them over the railway bridge in Lytham Road ?
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