Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise you 'd be out more or less into the night because you got to go and see the men at night you see ?
2 The violent citizens sought to kill or abduct the Pope when Barbarossa refused to pay them an immense bribe .
3 They sent him delivery order but he failed to come and collect the rice .
4 In each case , according to the audit office , BAS devoted insufficient resources to project management and failed to train and support the project managers adequately .
5 Unlike the herald who sought to observe and note the outstanding ( the chroniclers , notably Froissart , made good use of the reports of battle given to them by heralds ) , the constable and marshal were more concerned with maintaining order .
6 He did extend his stay , helped to arrange and classify the Sherard collection of plants , many obtained from Greece and Asia Minor , and found more in the Botanic Garden to take back to Holland .
7 The Medical Research Council proposed to erect and maintain a public health laboratory in the grounds of St. Peter 's Hospital and this was approved , the building being leased to the M.R.C. for 25 years .
8 Over a million Americans were mobilized and they helped to refresh and revive the Allied forces on the Western Front .
9 The authorities claim they entered to try and overthrow the government .
10 The fact was that Wagnerian music drama claimed a relationship with Greek tragedy and that the new status of music drama in Nietzsche 's thoughts sufficed to activate and inform an interest he had taken in the Greek tragedians years before : witness his Pforta dissertation on the Oedipus Rex ( which , prophetically enough , actually alluded at one point to the analogy between Wagner and the Greeks ) .
11 The friendliness was overwhelming and a small crowd would gather around me every time I stopped to talk or watch a game of sipa — a bit like tennis only played with your feet and a ball covered in rubbery tendrils .
12 Eventually , they were forced to accept some significant wage reductions , although the French invasion of the Ruhr , and the consequent interruption of coal output , plus the American coal strike of 1924 helped to reduce and delay the downward trend of coal prices and the rate of decrease in the wages of coal miners .
13 In 1972 the then Conservative government proposed to reform and unite the entire tax and social security system into a scheme of combined benefits and tax reliefs to be known as ‘ tax credits ’ .
14 Once it has been shattered , it is hard to re-establish , as we tried to show when discussing the origins of the boom .
15 Whereas Indian , Malay , Arab and Chinese merchants had by and large traded peacefully for the exotic treasures of the islands since before the time of Christ , the marauding European buccaneers sought to own and control the real estate itself , and began four centuries of infighting .
16 The progressive forces of the seventeenth century came to see as mistaken the preoccupation of mediaeval natural philosophers with the works of the ancients , especially Aristotle , and also with the Bible , as the sources of scientific knowledge .
17 That pain seemed to swell and swamp the others .
18 In the afternoons the owner of the factory usually came to visit and to check the progress of the work .
19 Then he seemed to squint and see the others standing there .
20 The huge trees offered shade from the sun , but their deep sprays of leaves seemed to trap and intensify the heat of the day .
21 Across the table , his eyes reflected the candle-flame ; the twin images seemed to grow and generate a searing heat of their own .
22 My father learnt to understand and trust the dog 's perceptions .
23 Although children often seemed to understand and produce the unmarked adjective forms more readily than the marked ones , they did not appear to treat small , for instance , at any stage as if its meaning was identical to that of big ( see Bartlett , 1978 ; Clark , 1972 ; Eilers , Oller and Ellington , 1974 ) .
24 Under the influence of a variety of thinkers including Thomas Carlyle , Saint Simon and Tocqueville , the younger Mill came to share and articulate the doubts felt about democracy by so many nineteenth-century liberals .
25 Sometimes I would hear conversations about the war when some of the older men in the dale came to chat and have a cup of tea in the kitchen with Uncle Tommy , who had come to take over Low Birk Hatt after Father died .
26 Informed commentators , then , came to describe and explain the working of the British constitution in the following way .
27 Meanwhile , his literary reputation continued to grow as later generations came to appreciate and reassess the immense significance of his contribution to English literature .
28 The others tended sometimes to laugh at Nina 's dedication to Athene , the way she seemed to live and breathe the magazine , think of nothing else .
29 This project will , through a study based largely on the Yarborough papers at the Lincolnshire Archives Office , analyse the strategies adopted to develop and maintain the estate .
30 What bothered us was the initial reaction by Reagan and Thatcher , both of whom seemed to think that condemning the Iranians for the accident was perfectly reasonable .
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