Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [conj] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And the drink I got to go and get as well .
2 ‘ I got to go and see if Caspar 's 0 .
3 The Side , an unlovely , but beloved spot was where the miners met to squat and smoke and gossip : Burton recollected it warmly as a fraternal masculine club , much cherished .
4 He tried to stand but collapsed and he had to be dragged to the Headmaster .
5 True , he had to make distracting , bread-winning forays away from it but then , with glad and hastening steps , he returned to the true centre of his life , the children whom he helped to feed and bath and dress and play with , even cook for , in domestic servantless days like these .
6 I tried to plead and argue but was only beaten for my pains and thrown down the steps back into my cell ; the dungeon door , grating shut , was locked securely behind us .
7 Later he had little attraction for the Caroline Divines or the Oxford Movement , to tease whose members the Martyrs ' Memorial at Oxford was built in commemoration of the execution of Cranmer , Latimer and Ridley ; the consciences of Newman , Pusey and Keble were exquisitely tom as they tried to decide whether to subscribe and how their subscriptions to the Memorial Fund might be earmarked for the least heretical of the martyrs .
8 His body seemed to swell and distort but he just stood there .
9 The world seemed to tilt and spin and fold itself inside out in a volcanic eruption of pleasure …
10 They seemed to giggle and shrug and eye Tealtaoich mischievously and be unable to decide where they would like to sit .
11 There was the sudden achingly sweet scent of burning logs on an autumn night and then the drift of thick , crisp , beech leaves in the depths of a forest and the Beech Naiad seemed to melt and shiver and dissolve into nothing .
12 He left by the gatehouse , openly , and took the road along the Foregate , in case anyone happened to notice and check that he set off in the appropriate direction .
13 He declined to comment when asked whether someone was trying to smear Di by faking the letter .
14 It also declined to comment when asked if WordPerfect plans to file any registration documents with the US Securities and Exchange Commission anytime soon .
15 When they declined to do as requested and sought to push through the police cordon , the appellants were arrested , and later convicted of obstructing the police in the execution of their duty .
16 Then he saw a policeman near him , so he began to sing and shout and make a lot of noise .
17 Soapy began to sing and shout and make a lot of noise .
18 As usual , they drank bottle after bottle and soon they began to sing and laugh and shout evil words .
19 I began to laugh but stopped when I saw my uncle 's white face .
20 emergency lighting system redesigned to operate when immersed and tipped at a severe angle
21 After a hour of simpering sycophancy from the presenter , the Prince took the viewer into his garden , where he said he loved to sit and think and talk to his plants .
22 They loved to write and draw and paint , and they talked all day long .
23 Two-year-old Bethany Hudson 's alarm started to smoulder and smoke as she lay in her cot .
24 Marks must have retired long since but he might still be around and , on the principle that half an hour 's chat over a beer is worth a whole file of police gobbledegook , Kersey decided to enquire and found that Marks was still extant , sharing a bungalow with his sister and her husband in Newlyn .
25 The children 's lawyer , Terrill Corley , told a jury in Creek County , Oklahoma , Bic lighters sometimes failed to extinguish and exploded because of butane gas overheating .
26 The figure , that of a young girl dressed in a white dress , appeared to stumble and fall and then , as he drew nearer , she rose to her feet and staggered towards the signal box steps .
27 I learned to share and to give and to gain my own goals .
28 I thereupon resolved to go and see whether the Danube really was blue .
29 We had to wait and wait and wait .
30 There was no sleep that night for us , nor for the immediate neighbours , and he continued to scream and cry until about 5 am .
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