Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [adv] on the " in BNC.

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1 He tried to sit casually on the edge of his desk , farted loudly and stood up again .
2 I tried to sit down on the bed and wait .
3 He wanted to roar out James 's name , his own name , to scream for help , he tried to pull up on the sill but his fingers scrabbled uselessly and he dropped back .
4 ‘ Terry and I tried to cut back on the silly stories by not doing anything at all , but then they attacked the fact that we were n't doing anything , ’ she said .
5 For most of the time the plaintiffs seemed to miss out on the need to prove their reliance on the accounts and had they addressed this early enough , the case might never have come to court .
6 She gripped the edge of the window sill , seemed to strain up on the window across the small of her back .
7 I cast a third of the way across and then allowed the current to roll the tackle round until the bait came to rest just on the edge of the slack .
8 One week later ‘ The Queen Is Dead ’ came to rest majestically on the record counters .
9 Thus it was welcomed because it seemed to bring together on the one hand the idealized liberalism of the l960s and 1970s — when pupils and teachers hoped to romp together through an uninhibited dance of individualized learning , projects , pupil-centred learning-situations , and an end to authoritarian concepts of knowledge — with , on the other hand , the 1980s demand for ‘ standards ’ .
10 She stretched out her hand to click on the bedside light , checked her watch , then lay back , panic subsiding , her eyes staring at the ceiling while the terrible immediacy of the dream began to fade , recognized for what it was , an old spectre returning after all these years , conjured up by the events of the night and by the reiteration of the word ‘ murder ’ which , since the Whistler had begun Iris work , seemed to murmur sonorously on the very air .
11 I then cut retaining strips of plastic with a keyhole shape cut out — again made to fit tightly on the plant stem .
12 The load was fixed across the poles of shafts by means of a wicker basket or a wooden container made to fit horizontally on the sloping shafts .
13 Their faces took on a different expression ; they grew more spruce and upright of bearing , ceased to loll about on the tables or against the walls , and held themselves up .
14 I happened to look in on the Private Office before going home in order to see whether there was anything I ought to take account of .
15 Her words were barely audible , so light that they threatened to float away on the breeze .
16 A maid jumped and began to scream shrilly on the same note as her mistress .
17 By the 1940s and 1950s the Red Poll was one of Britain 's major breeds but , in the rush to set up new herds , breeding standards began to slip badly on the farm , while at the same time the invading Friesian , fed on concentrates , considerably outyielded the breed and by the early 1960s its popularity had tumbled .
18 At once the crabber began to bounce about on the waves , as though the Angharad was dancing a jig over the water in her pleasure at taking a trip .
19 It was at about this time that Charles acquired a tutor and through him began to look out on the world through a learned man 's eyes .
20 The shabby room above the tobacconist 's shop where we held our ward meetings became home to me and , in a queer way , made me feel whole and integrated again so that I began to look back on the activities I had taken part in with Sophie as some kind of mental aberration .
21 The court recognised that it did have a discretion under the Rules of the Supreme Court to allow service to stand despite the failure to comply with the relevant Rules , but declined to do so on the facts ; it would take ‘ a very strong case ’ , for example express representation by the defendant that the method of service adopted was lawful , before the discretion would be exercised .
22 Angus slouched like a spoiled brat , nodded and began to tap noisily on the table top with his fingers .
23 THE High Street banks were blasted for profiteering as they rushed to cash in on the interest rate jump .
24 The night before Nenna and her two daughters were due to leave England , storm weather began to blow up on the Reach .
25 WHEN THE Generating Board had tired of its investigations in the Dorset hinterland and its tussles with the Cornish protesters , it decided to fall back on the one site in the West Country where it felt confident it could successfully build the second British Pressurized Water Reactor .
26 I decided to go alone on the Sunday morning .
27 John McLeish was in his office , Saturday or no Saturday , telling himself he needed to catch up on the paperwork .
28 Through time , many goldsmiths decided to concentrate purely on the deposit , note issue and loan-granting aspects of their business , and , as a result , a large number of private banks were established , mainly in the City of London .
29 ‘ Yes , the pressure on me has increased since Stuart decided to come back on the England scene , but this is not the first time he has squeezed the position and I accept that challenge from a top-class player . ’
30 ‘ Yes , the pressure on me has increased since Stuart decided to come back on the England scene but this is not the first time he has squeezed the position and I accept that challenge from a top-class player . ’
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