Example sentences of "[vb past] [pos pn] [noun pl] [prep] him " in BNC.

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1 He drew my arms around him ; he kissed the palms of my hands and drew my arms around him without speaking .
2 He drew my arms around him ; he kissed the palms of my hands and drew my arms around him without speaking .
3 Cleo narrowed her eyes at him in approximation of a sympathetic glance , although in her heart she felt no pity at all .
4 The girl narrowed her eyes at him .
5 She narrowed her eyes at him over the coffee-table .
6 She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously .
7 She narrowed her eyes at him and warned him icily , ‘ If you 've come here with some idea of trying to block my petition to become Kirsty 's guardian , I warn you right now you 're wasting your time ! ’
8 Shiona sat back in her seat and narrowed her eyes at him .
9 Ronni narrowed her eyes at him .
10 Ronni narrowed her eyes at him .
11 She twined her arms round him and kissed his cheek .
12 Dolly , from the bed , ground her teeth at him .
13 Maggie fastened her eyes on him and tried to get control of her temper and her very stupidly lingering disappointment .
14 The Thing flickered its lights at him .
15 Her thin lips clasped tight together , fearing any sound might betray her , she hooked her legs about him and pulled him further and further into her .
16 She crossed the room and flung her arms about him .
17 She flung her arms around him .
18 Christina flung her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek .
19 She flung her arms round him , her face buried in his soaking coat .
20 Hurrying under cover of darkness up to Roscarrock Hall where a real priest was visiting from Ireland or Spain , they whispered their confessions to him , received absolution from him and knelt in the Roscarrock family chapel to hear a proper Latin Mass and to receive in their mouths the living sacrifice , the Body of Christ .
21 But the enthusiasm of the 10,000 East Germans who cheered Dr Kohl and pinned their hopes on him to bring the two Germanys together was in stark contrast to official statements on the future from East Germany 's reform-minded leaders .
22 The Thing rippled its lights at him .
23 She cupped her hands underneath him and eased him over the edge .
24 They vented their frustrations on him , and he would protest : " I 'm only doing my job . "
25 However , the assassin escaped back to Zamora , which opened its gates to him .
26 Above all , she had been mistreated , a sad mother who opened her arms to him .
27 Well away from the beaten track he laid her gently on a bed of moss and bracken , and she opened her arms to him , loath to lose his touch for even a second .
28 They heckled ; they called him a liar ; they turned their backs on him when he spoke .
29 Ruth linked her arms around him and wrapped her legs around his .
30 Suddenly , she threw her arms around him and hugged him fiercely in a way she had never done before .
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