Example sentences of "[vb past] [pos pn] [noun] [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 A relative found his body slumped on the floor of his home in Polsham , Somerset .
2 A.C. Ladd sank his tee shot on the 330-yard 17th — a record held until 1928 when a 340-yard tee shot was holed at Stoneham , Hants .
3 She addressed her fingers splayed on the desktop .
4 Drinking — and not training weekends — meant my weight stuck on 12 stones ; trying to race on 20 miles a week , plus the drinking , was not on . ’
5 In the shadow of the bus , a vulture wheeling overhead , I kept my eyes fixed on the bush behind us .
6 I sat , dozed , slurped from the wineskin , said a few prayers and kept my eyes fastened on the Lady Chapel .
7 She opened her eyes , kept her gaze fixed on Ward 's face and allowed her hands to glide over her smooth skin back down towards her pubic mound .
8 She still kept her eyes fixed on the swirling liquid ; when she did speak it was part-defiance and part-apology .
9 Fenella , her heart thudding frantically , kept her eyes fixed on the door and a fearful hope began to unfurl .
10 She kept her eyes fixed on Silvia and smiled a mock-stern smile .
11 She kept her eyes fixed on the magazine .
12 Maggie LeMan kept her eyes riveted on the occupants of the stage for a moment , where they were bowing and making the best of the half-hearted appreciation now being shown by clapping punctuated with cat-calls ; then , slowly leaning to the side , she picked up the bird cage as she said , ‘ What do I want with a concert party ?
13 The rest of them kept their eyes fastened on the duke , waiting to see what lay behind his summons .
14 But , as if she knew her life depended on it , Bunny had attached herself to her .
15 A few minutes later , he saw his classmate stretched on the ground , hands crossed on his chest ‘ like two white flecks on his blue overcoat ’ .
16 This time Julius kept his gaze fixed on the road ahead , as if he did n't want her to see his eyes .
17 He kept his gun trained on Rex as he did so .
18 He hardly looked at her , but kept his eyes trained on her hands , or on his , but now and then she caught his look behind the smoked glass of his lenses , a milky , slightly protruding glance , mild as a trout .
19 Manvell kept his eyes fixed on Sharpe , half fearing that the Rifleman might still attack .
20 He kept his eyes fixed on the crest of the hill over which she would appear freewheeling down on her bicycle , black hair streaming and her long skirt ballooning out on either side like a bat 's wings .
21 Mait kept his eyes fixed on him as he approached — a malnourished skeleton of a man .
22 He kept his eyes fixed on the upper storey , but there was no sign of life , nor could he detect any female voice crying through the shouts of the firemen .
23 The Chief kept his eyes fixed on it .
24 She was followed by Meredith who wore his monocle threaded on a silver chain .
25 I had my heart set on a soft-top — preferably a Corvette or a Mustang — and I was n't going to let a spot of bracing weather stand in my way .
26 But I had my heart set on training a bird .
27 It was , but he had the sheet in front of him , which had my targets set on it .
28 I left my cases parked on the quay , and made my way into the post office .
29 The more severe PMS , the more likely it is to be noticed — over 20% had their behaviour commented on by colleagues .
30 At the same time the contemporary composers Satie , Auric , Honegger , Poulenc , Milhaud and Germaine Taillefer had their works played on the piano by the Brazilian pianist Ricardo Vines .
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