Example sentences of "[vb past] [pos pn] [noun] [adv] on " in BNC.

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1 I fixed my chin firmly on the metal in front of me and obeyed the instructions .
2 ‘ grievously tormented with house-keepers … letting the Bible fall open of itself , I fixed my eyes immediately on these words , ‘ When my son was entered into the wedding chamber , he fell down and died .
3 So I said well a couple approached my wife here on on Saturday .
4 Kathmandu : THE PRINCESS of Wales strained her ankle yesterday on a pebbly path in Nepal 's Himalayan foothills — but went on to tease puffing press photographers who still could not match her pace.The Princess walked briskly through the rough , rocky terrain on a walkabout during the second day of her solo visit to Nepal.After straining her ankle on a pebbled road in Dharan in eastern Nepal she began to limp slightly , but her pace still left Overseas Development Minister Baroness Chalker and several photographers gasping for breath.The Princess could not resist the temptation to chide them .
5 She fixed her gaze finally on Juliet , a hostile gaze .
6 She stopped a few feet away , so that she was hidden by the curtains , and fixed her gaze unblinkingly on the long black Mercedes that was heading sedately up the driveway .
7 Jones concentrated her analysis only on the late-evening news broadcasts .
8 Striding away from the house , Carolyn stubbed her toe badly on a brick end and had to sit down to nurse it .
9 Father Topstock looked up from his mug and concentrated his gaze fully on Theodora .
10 Not only that , he concentrated his attack purely on enclosures as a cause of depopulation , and by so doing both failed to consider how far enclosures might have been the result rather than the cause , and omitted to mention a related question , that of the ‘ engrossing ’ or accumulation of farms by a single owner .
11 Satan took the bait and fastened his teeth reflexively on the blocking forearm .
12 He fixed his mind deliberately on the question , not letting it wander .
13 He fixed his eyes firmly on the Mach-counter as he began to throttle up .
14 She glanced at him and found his eyes steadily on her face .
15 Perón ( who built up his power from the Ministry of Labour after 1943 , was elected president of Argentina in 1946 and governed until 1955 ) created his movement precisely on the basis of an alliance between nationalist military officers , industrialists and the non-Marxist ( largely unrepresented ) sections of the working classes .
16 and there he is , I seen his hat there on the settee , I started laughing , I , I .
17 The Kay brothers took up the design , made further improvements to it , and produced their stones uniformly on Andrew 's machine .
18 And then on impulse Ellie laid her hand compassionately on the other woman 's .
19 While in the 1930s the CEB men had been leaders in advocating larger-scale power generation , with the undertakings sometimes dragging their feet , by the time of nationalisation they pinned their faith more on the benefits of standardising on 30MW and 60MW sets as a means of both cutting costs and overcoming the capacity shortage ( see pp. 24–5 , above ) .
20 They parted at the corner of St Martin 's Lane and Gillian made her way home on her own .
21 Remember how our peasant woman made her way painstakingly on foot , then by boat and cart to the uezd centre of Roslavl' in Belorussia .
22 Rosheen pushed away her empty plate and wiped her fingers absently on a sheet of tissue .
23 She dropped her watch lower on her wrist , viewing it discretely , but he saw .
24 If insects judged their speed solely on the basis of the speed of the air moving past , they would remain stationary when attempting to fly into the wind .
25 He closed his eyes and dropped his head forward on his chest .
26 One of the students banged his fist loudly on the partition separating them from the driver .
27 Graham banged his fist angrily on the table .
28 And I ate me butty there on top .
29 Lisa drummed her fingers impatiently on the phone table .
30 The APU Working Party rested its case firmly on the philosophical groundwork of Best ( 1980 ) , who over recent years has pioneered the argument that the arts are amenable to judgments that are as ‘ objective ’ as those employed in scientific research .
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