Example sentences of "[vb past] [subord] they would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He felt like telling the old folk it was not New Year 's Eve , but he doubted if they would believe him .
2 If they had to do without him he would n't be greatly missed , and he doubted whether they would put themselves out to keep him .
3 which I asked if they would stay , but they altogether refused , and seeing that they refused I did not hinder them to go , for I will press no man .
4 finished , so I asked if they would help me to sort out the erm
5 One morning a carter and his son were delivering a load of firewood and Grandmother asked if they would like a slice of pudding before they left .
6 He stood up slowly , asked if they would like coffee , made his way out of the room when they accepted the offer .
7 Women on the way to FAMILY 'S housework classes would be stopped by feminists and asked if they would like to do karate or woodwork instead ; new fiancées would receive congratulatory cards in the post , enclosing leaflets outlining the legal rights of wives , while their startled boyfriends got anonymous warnings to behave .
8 After that it looked like they would trample all over their local rivals .
9 Mr Porter had said if loyalists did so they would get no support from the House or the country .
10 ‘ When the wall was breached in November 1989 , ’ Pischel says , ‘ I went to the company to say thank you , and asked whether they would take me back . ’
11 So , one night , it was decided to ask the audience if they wanted an Arts Lab , and during one of his talks to the audience , as David also acted as compère , he asked whether they would like an Arts Lab in Beckenham , with the folk club being the start of it .
12 He had changed into a clean white shirt and tie , and his dark pants just fitted him , though Dorothy wondered if they would stand the strain of his sitting down .
13 Melanie wondered if they would go to church , to Midnight Mass , because she , in a muddled way , thought they must be religious if they believed so firmly in Hell .
14 I wondered if they would go in there .
15 Maxim wondered if they would serve Amsandwiches .
16 She and her husband were shocked and appalled and wondered if they would become prisoners in their own home .
17 As a succession of paycops , stewardesses , diplomatics , immigration officials , armourcabbies , narcotics relay expeditors , hotel functionaries , arms dealers and hookers told him to ‘ have a snazz day ’ and shoved his credit card through their machines , he wondered whether they would like the real 21st century when Nguyen Seth rained it down on them .
18 He wondered whether they would see the Tree Spirits and then he wondered whether they wanted to see them .
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