Example sentences of "[vb past] [v-ing] down [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She tried lying down on the bare mattress , but the whole place felt cold and close .
2 Even as I write , my heart is being ‘ roasted ’ because of the pounding music beat coming down from the flat above me .
3 After that I avoided looking down towards the woodpile until , when it was almost too dark to see , I glanced down one last time — and she was gone .
4 And , every twenty minutes or so , a storm broke : thunder rumbled , lightning flickered , and tropical rain came crashing down from the showerheads fitted in the ceiling .
5 A second or two later , everything came crashing down in a big heap on the railway line below .
6 The ground trembled and over-head many bikes , toy tractors , etc. strung above the ceiling for display purposes , came crashing down upon the team .
7 ‘ And I knew it from that first day when you came driving down to the chais like a crazy woman .
8 Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder and the heavens burst sending us scuttling into the woods for shelter , but it was n't long before the rain got through and drenched us with miniature Niagaras that came cascading down from the broad leaves .
9 A group of shaven-headed yobbos , with tattooed cheeks and nationalistic leanings , observed this from the upper deck and came swarming down from the bus .
10 As the 22 men in the three boats had just taken their respective stations , a young girl came running down from the village to the shore in breathless haste .
11 Gently they lifted the bedraggled form as Bert came lumbering down from the 3 and 4 landing , with Gilbert Forbes behind him , and behind him the trembling form of Jessie , wringing her hands .
12 The huge woman came billowing down to the entrance hall , dressed in bright orange , which went uncomfortably with her recently revivified red hair .
13 The vehicle shot forward , and as it did so the first rocks from above came hurtling down onto the track just behind us .
14 Finally she dived through the alley by the Revuebar and into the market on Berwick Street , a drab thoroughfare enlivened by a sudden riot of colour in the narrow sunlight that came slanting down between the buildings — the yellow awnings over the stalls , the bright shades of new fruit , the brilliant white of new cardboard .
15 Below that the car risked bogging down in the mud or grounding on an obstacle , above it the tyres might lose adhesion on the continual twists and turns or cliff-like descents , or one of the vicious pot-holes or rock outcrops rupture the suspension or pierce the sump .
16 Mr Abello was the fourth-ranking person in the Medellin cartel and the most important suspect arrested since Colombia began cracking down on the cocaine barons nearly two months ago , the department said .
17 It began counting down from a starting position of 30:00 .
18 These attitudes included looking down on the pursuit of trade and commerce as somewhat inferior socially .
19 Disconnected , their instrument of memory fails to record anything of those common night-time moments that preceded lying down in the marital bed .
20 My men called her something else when they started going down with the ‘ clap ’ , but she was long gone by the time they found out . ’
21 ‘ We are already putting more money into free travel for the blind since the previously consistent approach to concessionary fares by borough councils started breaking down in the face of financial pressures ’ , he added . ’
22 Until recently , that is , when something started stirring down on the movie lot .
23 And I went storming down to the office , did n't I ?
24 The houses in the High Street went stravaiging down to the Gallowgate and the Saltmarket , to which last place no sane citizen would go as it was full of cutthroat robbers , avoided even by the police .
25 Patrick lay looking down into the dell .
26 Leaning forward I had a view of it in the side mirror , the bend we had just rounded obliterated by a great mass of avalanching rock and mud that went spilling down over the edge to disappear into the cloud vapour below .
27 Er because the pit bottom was lit up and it meant going down into the dark , an exciting thought for a young fella , er and so off I went and I was put down on one of the faces , as a lad , and said , Right lad , you want to be collier ?
28 So the mermaids spun the wheel until there was a great funnel-hole in the sea , and the fisherman 's boat went riding down to the sea-king 's palace .
29 so those houses were all sandbagged , but it , it got into some , the problem was that the , the road closed sign kept blowing down in the wind , I tried to stand it up but it was oh so heavy , I got it up , but it , it immediately blew down again , and
30 Freed , thus , from the weight of the dragon 's will , and safely assured of being able to get home again Maggie turned her mind to her own task and went travelling down into the labyrinth of memory and desire .
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