Example sentences of "[vb past] [subord] [pron] [vb past] her " in BNC.

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1 The older man 's bushy grey brows rose as he shot her a penetrating glance .
2 and I phoned one night late and , it was late and I phoned for I wanted her to come home , and I was it was quarter to twelve and said she 's not home yet .
3 Lawler exclaimed when he saw her .
4 Her whole body trembled as he took her in his arms .
5 ‘ How — er — how did you know that I lived here ? ’ she muttered as he led her inside the lift , reaching across to push the correct floor button .
6 She came when it suited her , when she could spare the time from her other work , but she always popped in on Monday afternoons to make a start on the ironing .
7 ‘ Laura , darling ! ’ he murmured as he gathered her more tightly into his warm embrace .
8 ‘ Well , that 's in the past , ’ David murmured as he cuddled her .
9 After a moment 's pause , Julia asked if he wanted her to go to the telegraph office for him .
10 She turned as he reached her , hardly out of breath after his steep climb .
11 ‘ I have a taxi waiting , ’ he stated as he escorted her out of the hotel , explaining , ‘ It is not permitted to drink and drive at all in Czechoslovakia . ’
12 He settled himself on the sofa as he always did , looking fit and rested as he eyed her speculatively .
13 But nothing happened when I had her served so she had to go .
14 He frowned as he handed her a cup of tea .
15 Travis frowned as he handed her a mug of soup .
16 Ronni sighed as it embraced her .
17 She sighed as he kissed her again .
18 ‘ Well , you must admit — ’ she began as he handed her a glass .
19 Nicolo grinned as he drew her down beside him on a marble bench .
20 She stiffened when I touched her , just for an instant , the way you do when you feel something on your leg and are n't sure what it is .
21 ‘ Leo , ’ she warned as he hugged her even more closely against his side , ‘ let me go ! ’
22 Sophie watched as he led her into the office and Joanna picked up a chair .
23 I crept around to the back of the house and watched as he carried her through the kitchen and into the garage .
24 ‘ Agent Somerville , ’ he boomed when he heard her on the line , ‘ get after him . ’
25 She went where it directed her , tracing a design on the face of the Earth .
26 I could have pointed out that there was never any chance of me taking her for granted , because the minute I stopped thinking about her she sobbed until I noticed her again .
27 He listened , and his heart ached because he knew if he failed her she would hold it against him for ever .
28 he knew if he allowed her to anger him , then he had lost ; at all costs he had to control his temper .
29 Kate shut her eyes and screamed until he let her go .
30 Where are you taking me ? ’ she demanded as he tugged her after him .
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