Example sentences of "[vb past] [subord] [pron] [vb past] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 How we rejoiced as we struggled and panted !
2 ‘ How we rejoiced as we struggled and panted —
3 Mm cos I found I 'd try , well the works had er , erm table and I , I remember the last time I played before I left and I said come on , I 'll
4 She stirred as they entered and gave a creaking groan as she began to waken .
5 Cranston roared as he rose and went to fetch the boots standing in the comer .
6 I closed my eyes and watched the sheets of warm colour that came as I relaxed or increased the tension of the lids .
7 They jangled when she moved and brushed her creamy shoulders each time she turned her head .
8 Councillors were jeered and heckled as they emerged and the mayor was given the Nazi salute as he drove off .
9 ‘ That young man will advance far , ’ Cranston murmured as they dismounted and knocked on the door .
10 ‘ I can see that , ’ D'Arcy murmured as he knelt and gently prised Ahn 's hand away from the wound .
11 Nobody cared if she lived or died .
12 The kiss lengthened until he groaned and lifted his head .
13 He turned as he went and roared : ‘ Stay there . ’
14 Her voice shook as she slapped and struggled her way free , then turned on her heel and ran to the stairs , almost slipping in her high heels .
15 He hated being touched unexpectedly , and winced ; then sighed as she apologised and flustered out .
16 The private detective following them cursed when they stopped and kissed in the middle of the street .
17 Winston put these machines in front of everybody and there was a button that you pressed when you spoke and you released when you listened … .
18 This meant that I was free to respond to the effects that developed as I worked and I got a feel both for the subject and the pastels I was using .
19 He watched until it disappeared and then he skipped happily back down the hill .
20 Brower then offered viceroys to both classes of jays and recorded whether they avoided or pecked at them .
21 There was little reason to stay on in an empty house , Belinda decided as she covered and refrigerated the kedgeree after her father had left .
22 She blushed as she spoke but Bridie and Julia noticed nothing .
23 ‘ Go to hell ! ’ she snapped and watched as he laughed and turned then , and strode back towards the barn , whistling cheerfully beneath his breath .
24 ‘ Take her down ! ’ he ordered , and watched as she floundered and kicked at the man on each side of her .
25 He watched as she backed and turned , then drove off , the grey curtain of the mist suddenly swallowing her up .
26 He just sobbed until someone came and took him away . ’
27 Well , why would n't it ? she questioned as she went and took a seat on the settee in front of the tea-tray — she was in Prague , and she felt happy .
28 We played badminton and sang folk songs , but we knew as we wept and prayed with refugees from Czechoslovakia that it would not be long before we were asked to make even the supreme sacrifice to stop , if we could , the Nazi menace .
29 The footwear they chose as they tramped and danced their way towards the end of the decade was improbable-looking to say the least .
30 I slipped as I landed and fell against the bulkhead .
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