Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] in [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Settled at a small , round , open-air table , Luce sipped a delicious fruit cocktail chinking with ice , and thought back to the previous evening when she 'd sat in almost this same spot and looked so eagerly for one special face .
2 She confided afterwards that it was the first sexual contact she 'd had in over five years .
3 Well to try and show that we 'd covered we 'd taken in as much of what was going on
4 He said that was because he had come in too late .
5 I repeated and repeated the twenty-third psalm , as I had done in so many kinds of danger before .
6 The Labour Court had said in very specific terms that no member who was on strike should be disadvantaged as a result of it .
7 Some had died in rather mysterious circumstances , others been sent abroad on this task or the other .
8 A career diplomat , he had served in the Washington embassy in 1970-83 and as head of the Foreign Ministry 's United States department in 1983-86 , and had participated in nearly all Soviet-US summit and foreign ministerial meetings since 1983 .
9 Theda had perforce to let go , for she could not contain the hair now it had sprung in so disorderly a way from its moorings .
10 He had appeared in only five stage plays as a professional adult when he was called to Stratford-upon-Avon to play a full season of major Shakespearian roles .
11 The evidence suggested that Bridge had worked in only one of the departments of what was a very substantial firm and had had no professional contact with the work of other departments .
12 The Independent of Aug. 7 , for instance , claimed that fighting between Iraqi forces and the Kuwait Maghaweer brigade at Al Jahra barracks on Aug. 2 had resulted in over 1,000 deaths .
13 Dressing for the afternoon , she wondered what Mrs Darrell was like , and whether she was worth all the tohu-bohu of preparing a slap-up tea , and being formally ‘ At Home ’ , which had resulted in even more work for McAllister , as Sally-Anne was increasingly beginning to think herself when she was being a maid of all work .
14 These had resulted in very large cuts in health , education and social security spending , and large-scale redundancies in the wake of the privatization of government agencies .
15 ‘ Hooligans ’ and ‘ Hooliganism ’ were thrust into the headlines in the wake of a turbulent August Bank Holiday celebration in London which had resulted in unusually large numbers of people being brought before the courts for disorderly behaviour , drunkenness , assaults on police , street robberies and fighting .
16 Among neighbouring countries , Germany had taken in around 200,000 refugees , Hungary and Austria around 50,000 each , and Sweden 44,000 ; smaller numbers were accepted in other European countries .
17 The Director had put in only one brief appearance in the library .
18 About what Margrida d'Arcos 's opinion of her might be now that she knew she had indulged in apparently frivolous love with her son .
19 The results showed that capercaillie had vanished from 12 of the 56 forests which had held them for 20 years , and numbers had declined in nearly all the other forests .
20 In the time between the world had changed in so many ways .
21 By the late 1970s , however , it was clear that the project had failed in nearly all of its objectives .
22 Although some Romans remained in England , the Roman Legions left in A.D. 411 , following which the various regions declared their individual rule — e.g. the Kingdom of Kent became established in A.D. 457 , and Christianity became well established there ; so much so that , in A.D. 602 , Canterbury in Kent , was made the seat of archbishopric .
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