Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] and [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 Did we talk about where we 'd been and what we 'd done , what we 'd seen and what had happened ?
2 I was very very pleased to see that a lot of you have tried to do your join up handwriting after a bit of practice we 'd had and it had come out really really nicely , well done .
3 I heard you 'd left and I had business over here . ’
4 A small crowd had gathered and she had been carried across the street and inside the nearest shop in order to get her out of the sun .
5 She had refused — even though it would have offered her an easy way out , and then circumstances had intervened and she had ended in the brothels in the notorious Monto .
6 His name had been leaked inadvertently in a press interview which I had given and someone had traced his whereabouts .
7 It was not exactly that he had pressed and she had invited .
8 Before you could say Maradona , Boss Man had won and they had gone in a puff of Deep Heat vapour .
9 The coffee at the cafe had perked him up long enough to tackle the reviews but then heat and alcohol had won and he had nodded off .
10 In the flicker of an eyelid the hostility had vanished and he had become a model of charm and smiling good humour , as he politely asked her all about herself and answered her questions in return .
11 We had a 3.15 PM start , and we 'd only played one hole when the end of the world looked as though it had come and we had to shelter in the R&A tent .
12 My turn to die had come and I had been inexplicably reprieved .
13 They had noticed and she had seen them notice .
14 Perhaps the toner fluid intoxicated her — there were over a hundred sheets to copy — or maybe it was the lack of air in the photocopying room , but after we had done and she had commented favourably on the comprehensive and detailed nature of the notes , she asked me to go out with her .
15 ‘ I am very proud of you , lady ’ , he had said and she had glowed with happiness and a secret bubbling excitement that came from believing she could conquer the world with her talent .
16 Fernando had said and she had said , and really it boiled down to the misuse of the three most precious words in the universal language — I love you !
17 It had been a slow process , of course , but gradually her reputation had grown and she had gained a singular name for creative , imaginative work .
18 In Lima the community I had visited and who had no water , electricity or sewerage six years ago have now made great improvements in their shanty town .
19 Preston 's marriage had been ended , as the official record , Polly and his conscience would have it , by his adultery with Carla , rising star of the modern spoiled-brat school of journalism and presenter of Shrews at Ten , a women 's magazine series which Preston had produced and which had achieved a certain dubious fame before ending in tears , tantrums and Preston 's demotion to the God slot .
20 The shipyards , the traditional industry , had closed and there had been widespread unemployment .
21 Before the T'ang 's son , Han Ch'in , had died and everything had changed .
22 Her husband had died and she had no wish to think about her own future .
23 All his family had died and he had walked for two days without food to find aid .
24 Well , only the once , when Steven Blowers had died and he had looked up at the parents , and then a curious bleakness had stolen over his face and drained the life away .
25 He had not eaten anything apart from the occasional so-called mash since the crops had died and he had only been allowed that because of a special emergency food supplies being sent in from other parts of the country .
26 He had joked and they had laughed together .
27 They had talked about Northumberland — or , rather , Roman had talked and she had listened , at first apathetically , but gradually , as he 'd spoken about the Romans , she 'd become more and more fascinated .
28 His written work , like both his brothers ' , was neat and controlled , consisting of short accounts of daily events which the teacher had transcribed and he had carefully illustrated and copied .
29 And for one moment , when his eyes had opened and he had looked at her , she had been so sure that he had loved her back .
30 The tumour had recurred and he had four previous operations , ending up with anastomosis of duodenum to mid-transverse colon .
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