Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] [prep] they in " in BNC.

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1 I asked my friends who have had au pairs what they 'd expected of them in the kitchen .
2 The actress had been venomous when she 'd chanced upon them in the corridor , but she 'd displayed the spitefulness of a disappointed woman , not a wronged one .
3 The grooms on the train were all younger , thinner and from what I 'd seen of them in their uniform T-shirts less positive .
4 Jesus had not left them orphans : he had come to them in the person of the Spirit , who was not only the special gift of the Messiah to the messianic people in order to enable them to know his continued presence with them , but was the first instalment of the Age to Come , the pledge that the last days which had dawned with Jesus of Nazareth would , one day , come to God 's perfect conclusion .
5 ‘ So the folk of the village capitalized on this gift from the gods , that had come to them in their darkest hour .
6 He could n't even put together a picture of her day any longer , because she had n't allowed him to see the Bloomsbury rooms where she lived , though he had mooned by them in his car often enough , at the starts of many nights doomed to reveries of longing and revenge .
7 Now the door had closed on them in three more weeks scheduled for Spain .
8 ‘ Ross — I do wish that … ’ she began , hoping even at this last moment for some word , some sign that the scorching , torrid passion that had exploded between them in the Hamptons had meant as much to him as it had to her .
9 Edward Pitt had called on them in the evening .
10 Gould had stayed with them in their hut on his way to and from Namoi .
11 Thus in a case in 1969 , where the 10-year-old child born in England of Spanish parents had been very unhappy during the seventeen months he had spent with them in Spain , and had then lived happily for several years with foster parents and their six children in England , the court refused to make an order that care and control should be granted to the parents , one of whom was in poor health .
12 Jannie was taking a benevolent interest , too , inviting not Bob but Tessa out to look at houses she had found for them in s.w.23 .
13 It was from here that they rang Anthony Marangos , and inspected the house , or rather château , which he had found for them in Picardy , North East France , between the towns of Arras and Amiens .
14 ( Pound had studied some of the same French poets , notably Laforgue and Rimbaud , but he had profited by them in a quite different way from Eliot , and he was averse to the central thrust of the symboliste endeavour , to which indeed the imagist or imagiste movement which he had sponsored had been intended as a challenging alternative . )
15 They both sent their love to you , ’ he added , remembering the day when he thought that Julia was going to die and had gone to them in despair .
16 On the coach , as it headed north up the Woodstock Road , and thence out on to the A34 , the members of the touring party were mostly silent , their thoughts monopolised perhaps by the strange and tragic events they had left behind them in Oxford .
17 The Caribbeans who came to London in the main waves of migration in the 1950s and early 1960s were not on the whole from the lowest social classes , although " the employment made available to West Indians was mainly menial and often of lower status than the jobs they had left behind them in the West Indies " ( Dalphinis 1991 : 46 ) .
18 This idea inspired knights from France to flock to the assistance of the struggling Christian kingdoms in northern Spain ; but there was clearly a nice distinction between the attitude of men north of the Pyrenees , who regarded the Muslim as the wicked infidel , as cattle for the slaughter , and the Christians who had lived among them in Spain and who regarded them as misguided fellow-humans .
19 That they have cost me no more than my time makes such decisions much easier than if I had paid for them in gold .
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