Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 All of which became hidden as she shrugged on an oversized khaki shirt , the sleeves hitched up to her elbows .
2 I got caught and it took six policemen to hold me down .
3 By then she 'd had our second child for which I got blamed as she had n't wanted to be pregnant again .
4 The Pretender nearly gave the game away by holding his skirts too high crossing a stream : ‘ some women whom they met reported that they had seen a very big woman , who looked like a man in woman 's clothes . ’
5 He first became noticed when he appeared on tours with the rock star likes of Kate Bush , Eric Clapton , Julian Lennon and Madness .
6 But you know when I when I c last time I came from France and I came a came across the widest part of the channel er I got done once I had a B written on my board and then they come and crossed it out .
7 ‘ I got done because they wanted a scapegoat .
8 I thought of the stack of dirty crocks to tackle after tea , of pictures and furniture that were once polished every week , and now got done when I had the time .
9 And still , after Crime and Punishment , the idea of a confession novel or story tugs at the edge of Dostoevsky 's vision , and continues to do so for the rest of his life in the form of The Life of a Great Sinner which he planned on the scale of War and Peace , but which never got written though it fed previous material into his novels of the seventies , and especially Karamazov at the turn of the next decade .
10 A Washington survey , for example , showed that 38 per cent of those asked revealed that they had been a victim of a serious crime within the last year , compared to the 10 per cent revealed by police statistics .
11 ‘ He told me he 'd got in touch again the moment he 'd heard that you 'd decided to soft pedal a bit on work and so could be open to having a boyfriend . ’
12 Robins interrupted my thoughts by saying , ‘ Sorry about the word ‘ posh ’ , but I 'd heard before we left Sanderstown the last time that a young man had been appointed assistant to Doctor Reid , and I was a bit surprised when I met you .
13 Somewhere in the stillness of the night an owl hooted — the first one she 'd heard since she came to live at Les Hiboux , Sabine realised , surprised .
14 When the police arrived to rescue the driver , who 'd parked on a blind bend of the motorway , he 'd explained that he had n't wanted to risk ruining his tyre by driving the extra distance to the hard shoulder .
15 , but he died soon after that but he 'd realised that he 'd worked hard all his life
16 Such changes would not have been inhibited necessarily by the teacher action , but none of the teachers I interviewed claimed that they had changed their methods to any great extent .
17 Then she remembered the way he 'd looked when she 'd talked about the Venetian nobility .
18 Her performance was about what he 'd expected but they brushed through without anything too awful happening .
19 ‘ It was much easier than I 'd expected though we had very good weather , sunny and dry all the way .
20 Suddenly she dropped his hand and slid her arms about his waist , knowing she 'd won when she felt the thunder of his heart against her cheek as she burrowed her face against his chest .
21 He 'd forgotten that we did have an increase .
22 I 'd forgotten that I 'd agreed to meet her .
23 I 'd forgotten that I 'd said that , and was , in any case , already regretting the admission .
24 Yeah and I 'd forgotten that I 'd spoken to her the other night
25 I 'd forgotten that I pay you a salary !
26 If , however , he were to arrive only to find Madeleine promised to someone else , he would have to suffer again those bitter pangs of regret he 'd endured before he came out to Blue Ash Farm .
27 By spring of eighty-nine , when the project had started , we 'd gone quite a long way down the road , we 'd decided that we wanted to be looking at what was feasible in general practice .
28 When I said she was n't here , he asked where she was and I said Maidstone and he said she 'd moved and I said then I did n't know but he could leave the flowers here for Frank but he would n't .
29 ‘ Come home to me , ’ she 'd whispered when he left .
30 They ate the sandwiches they 'd made before they 'd left the house , and then lay in their shelter and read two paper-backed books they 'd brought with them .
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