Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] a [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Blake found being a passenger in the mechanical ‘ land-rovers ’ , with their noise and billowing fumes , frightening .
2 He moved incredibly slowly , zombie-ish , as if he 'd been a patient in there since before the flood and they 'd finally decided to let him out for some fresh air .
3 He 'd been a dinosaur in a world of pettiness .
4 Oh yes I enjoyed it very much but erm we had American visitors around and we had one a Captain and I 'm afraid we all fell for him cos he seemed such a handsome man and he 'd been a hero in the war , and he was engaged to , then to the then president of America 's daughter , so they informed us but erm I do n't know whether it was the truth , that 's what they , they said but of course some of the , some of the things had to be cast , the bodies had to be cast and they were , they were I do n't know whether you 'd have heard of the Orritor
5 There 'd been a fault in her original logic which he 'd seized upon , but she was already beginning to see the fallacy .
6 He told the recruiting officer that he 'd been a sergeant in the Boer War and boasted that he knew more about the Army than all these whipper-snappers who were waiting to join with him .
7 He 'd been a prisoner-of-war in Germany during the First World War and as a result of his wartime experiences suffered constantly from a weak chest .
8 There 'd been a frost in the night , but now in the mid-afternoon the sun on our backs was strong and warm .
9 A major economy all the women faced was a reduction in their social lives .
10 I said no , I , I would hate to offend him because it 's all so well meant being a mother in law you have to watch it .
11 I was trying my best to correct his style without imposing my own upon it , and he seemed genuinely grateful when I pointed out what I thought was a weakness in rhythm , a word to be changed , an image to be further developed , a form to be tightened or relaxed … .
12 Endill did not hear anything at first but after a minute or two heard what he thought was a cough in the distance .
13 The last he saw was a gloat in his sibling 's eyes , and a final , spiteful , vengeful lunge in his direction before he was taken away .
14 Therefore she said not one more word about her shitty father , but only listened , sharing in what she knew was a moment in his life he could never forget .
15 Other changes agreed were a reduction in the powers of the appointed ( and military-dominated ) Senate ; the appointment of the House of Representatives Speaker rather than the Senate Speaker as president of the National Assembly ; and an enhancement of the powers of the representatives .
16 On the current market situation Mr Peel noted that Old Masters continued to be the strongest area , although there had been a reduction in both size of sales and prices realised in some areas .
17 The Israeli human rights group Betselem issued a report on Dec. 8 which claimed that there had been a reduction in the number of casualties inflicted by the security forces in the occupied territories during 1990-91 .
18 If the loans were found to have been sold at a loss , the vendor would make a repayment , dependent on whether there had been a reduction in the bank 's tax liability or not .
19 Speakers at the demonstration included a former general , Albert Makashov , dismissed after the August 1991 coup attempt , Col. Viktor Alksnis , and the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party , Vladimir Zhirinovsky , who had been a candidate in the Russian presidential elections of June 1991 [ see p. 38273 ] .
20 The Cuban leader said the election had been a success in the face of intense pressure from the United States , hostile radio stations run by Cuban exiles in the US had called on Cubans to abstain or spoil their votes .
21 Just as he had made an example of earlier insubordinates , such as Hedilla , Varela , Galarza and Yagüe , now the monarchist Kindelán , who had been a stone in Franco 's shoe since 1936 , was arrested and exiled to the Canary Islands .
22 There had been a shortfall in applicants and in funds :
23 Complying with her appeal , Dada abandoned his kedgeree and , sucking his moustache inwards always with him a sign of annoyance he picked up the viburnum , still with its precious burden , opened the bottom sash of a long window , and flung out the double butterfly as viciously as if it had been a slug in the salad .
24 There had been a lull in activity after a number of serious setbacks in the city for the terrorist organisation .
25 Henry ( born Buck Henry Zuckerman ) who , like Nichols , had been a performer in an improvisational theatre group in Chicago , had written only one film , the offbeat and unsuccessful The Troublemaker , three years previously .
26 As for Richard , he had been a thorn in her flesh for too long now .
27 Subsequent speculation linked the attacks to the Comisión Néstor Paz Zamora ( CNPZ ) , named after the late brother of President Jaime Paz Zamora , who had been a militant in the National Liberation Army ( ELN ) , a left-wing guerrilla group which had launched an unsuccessful guerrilla movement in 1970 .
28 There had been a delay in building it , so that I had only managed a few hours ' practice in the streets of Salford .
29 The company admitted that there had been a delay in installing new screening equipment at the plant , which produces boiled sweets .
30 There had been a scandal in London — but scandals gathered as naturally round Byron as clouds round Mont Blanc .
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