Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] in his [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd been in his share of fistfights had Mr Fearon .
2 She 'd been in his company for less than a minute , and already they were sparring .
3 And if I 'd been in his skin , and seen the power in Dawn 's beak and feet , I do n't think I 'd have done anything either .
4 But he 'd been in his prime then , a match for any King Lud who 'd taken it into his weak head to break into the Dallam weaving sheds , in the dead of night , and start smashing his machines to bits .
5 They were the only people who 'd been in his room except for his Dad last night .
6 Mr Palmer told the court that Mr Browning admitted being in his car at the time of the killing .
7 Mimi Machu , who had been in his life for longer than any other woman , apart from Sandra Knight , left him quite suddenly for pastures new , which some said was due to his own attitude to their relationship .
8 Bénezet had been in his service long enough to understand his own part in the operation in hand without having to be told .
9 Nothing could shake the steadiness of such men as Hugh Waterton or John Norbury , who had been in his service from the time when he had been merely Henry of Bolingbroke , earl of Derby , and even that title borrowed by courtesy from his father .
10 But the exiled soldier wanted more than a place to stay : he wanted , to a Peter Pan-ish degree , everything as it had been in his childhood home .
11 Rupert had never met Everard 's mother , but remembering his own mother and how comforting she had been in his childhood illnesses he was immediately reassured .
12 It had been in his possession for quite a while and Broomhead felt it was about time he sold the thing .
13 They had walked quite some miles , she realised on the return journey , and she had been in his company for quite some while , so it came as no surprise to also realise how totally unsuited she was for the job she was there to do .
14 Only then did she realise that , for all she had been in his company for a total of several hours now , she still did n't know the first thing about him .
15 Nervous , perhaps , on edge maybe , because it seemed to her that she would have to keep her wits about her unless she wanted this outing to end up as fruitless as the other times she had been in his company .
16 The first move had been in his choice of the katana as the weapon of combat .
17 As Joe watched her put on her coat and hat he experienced a keen sense of disappointment , for he was realising it had been in his mind to escort her to work .
18 And revenge had been in his mind when playing the joke on Music Week .
19 Moynihan had been in his time a University cox and a flyweight boxing blue , and barely came up to her elbow .
20 The boy had been in his tutelage now for two and a half years , closer far to him than to his own Lancaster kin .
21 When one turns to his large-scale tonal designs , unexplored until now , it becomes apparent that Lully 's influence is as preponderant in Campra 's cantatas as it had been in his stage music .
22 Charles Temple almost certainly came to Northern Nigeria with the idea of another Punjab in mind : his father , the distinguished Indian administrator Sir Richard Temple , had been in his youth one of John Lawrence 's hard-riding young men , and it was he who wrote in 1901 asking for his son ‘ to become one of the recruits which Lugard is raising for Nigeria .
23 Used as he had been in his youth to the drabs of the garrison towns , the Major nevertheless began courteously to disengage himself .
24 He had been in his youth a bit of a tearaway ; and in middle age he incurred opprobrium for his brave advocacy of contraception .
25 Anyway , ’ his gaze shifted slightly and his tone grew harder , as if he regretted the revelation , ‘ he was forced out of business and lost the boatyard which had been in his family for four generations . ’
26 The Archdeacon did not , diplomatically , point out that the Bishop had not consulted Lord Dersingham when the living had been in his gift .
27 Colin Youngs had been in his garden when he saw William Wray approach his friend and a scuffle start .
28 The signalman , knowing that this train had been in his section for some time and was overdue , set his points and signal from the up main to the up goods loop to allow the up passenger train , following the goods , to run past without any unnecessary delay .
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