Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] [vb pp] [conj] to " in BNC.

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1 I was staggered to realise I had been honoured and to this day I do n't know who put me forward . ’
2 ( Such a theory involved denying the claims of James 's son , but doubts had been raised as to whether the Queen had really conceived the child , it being widely believed that the baby had been smuggled into the bed-chamber in a warming-pan . )
3 All Aitken 's evidence — uncontradicted by any other evidence — confirms that well before Curtis Brown received the £500 , instructions had been given as to the charitable destination of the money .
4 Tremendous publicity was given to the circumstances in which this movie had been made and to the way in which the director had shot some forty reels ; ‘ the eight-hour day for movie fans has not yet dawned ’ was the thankful comment of Robert Sherwood , but few critics doubted that the film conveyed much of the anger , ugliness , and brutality of the novel .
5 On the other hand , Britain was the home of Shakespeare , clear thinking and political liberty , the land where Voltaire had been welcomed and to which Zola would flee .
6 Everything had been tried but to no avail — the suffering had been agony , not even deadened with morphine .
7 So extraordinary was this bird and so little was known about it , that previously naturalists had been divided as to whether it belonged to the vulture or the gallinaceous race .
8 Apart from anything else , the dethronement of Sophocles — and Plato — in favour of Aeschylus represented a challenge to the ideals on which German Hellenism had been founded and to which academic circles in general still generally adhered .
9 If they had been advised as to the necessity for clear offers in writing with terms set out from the bank , their case is that they would have taken that advice , they would have waited for the bank offer and if and when it had not been suitable for them they would not have exchanged and their case is also that er once things had gone er very badly wrong and they wanted to get out of the contract if they had been advised as to the way out er then er they would have been er of that , they would have served notice and they would have got out of the contract .
10 If they had been advised as to the necessity for clear offers in writing with terms set out from the bank , their case is that they would have taken that advice , they would have waited for the bank offer and if and when it had not been suitable for them they would not have exchanged and their case is also that er once things had gone er very badly wrong and they wanted to get out of the contract if they had been advised as to the way out er then er they would have been er of that , they would have served notice and they would have got out of the contract .
11 Though primarily a commentary on Henry II 's government in England , the Policraticus used the terms of Roman law , princeps for ruler and provincia , province , for the area of his rule ; these suggest that John also intended his book to be relevant to France , the land in which he had been educated and to which he was to return as bishop of Chartres .
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