Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] [prep] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd a lump on my head the size of a goose egg ; I 'd been through some kind of hell in the spaces ; I 'd prayed for … it was not what I 'd prayed for at all .
2 Now if you cast your mind back to when we started the er discussion I did say I would talk about refer erm recommendations to you if you felt that this meeting had been of some benefit to yourself
3 In it she declared how glad she was to think : ‘ … that the letter written by me to the King of Prussia at a critical moment had been of some use ’ , though quite what effect the letter may have had is unfortunately not spelt out .
4 I knew only that it was dark , and had been for some while .
5 His interest in humanity now was stone dead , and probably had been for some time .
6 ‘ That you were having an affair — had been for some time . ’
7 According to Alcuin the oppression of the Church by the secular power had been for some time a feature of Northumbrian political and ecclesiastical life , but the problem now was that Eanbald was said to be accompanied on his journeys through Northumbria by a retinue more numerous than any which had attended on his predecessors and inclusive of low-born soldiers , and Alcuin affected to be at a loss as to why he needed so large a force .
8 At this moment the King , who had been for some time busily writing in his notebook , called out , ‘ Silence ! ’ and read out from his book , ‘ Rule Forty-Two .
9 He said it was broken , had been for some time , and that if I wanted a toilet I should go to the cafe upstairs .
10 None had experienced higher education , but 19 had been on some form of post-16 provision .
11 We somehow got on to the subject of detective stories , for it had been with some surprise that I learnt at the Old Parsonage meeting that at one time he had read them with avidity .
12 But to her amazement he did nothing of the kind , but , shaking his head as if he had been under some kind of stress , ‘ I did n't think I could have got your innocence so completely wrong , ’ he stated gruffly .
13 It had been a hectic period during which we had been under some pressure .
14 Here , the appropriate leader of change had been in some doubt .
15 Among those who regarded Faustus as their spiritual master was Sidonius , whose brother had been in some way saved by the bishop .
16 Sentencing McPherson , the judge , Lord Cameron , said he accepted that McPherson had been in some part less responsible for the violence to Mr O'Donnell that evening , but added : ‘ Nevertheless you played a full part in luring him into the hands of those who were responsible for repeated acts of a bizarre and terrible character upon him . ’
17 If he had been in some sort of trance , ( lasting who knew how long ? ) that might account for the sudden appearance of Jos .
18 The last thing I wanted was for some motorist to hit one of my owls just when it was establishing itself .
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