Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] [noun sg] of [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ All I did was think of it . ’
2 , Thomas ( d. c. 1276 ) , revolutionary mayor of London 1263–5 , was a draper with considerable property in the city , whose family had been part of its aldermanic ruling class since at least the 1220s .
3 The only evening dress she had brought with her was the colour of well-polished copper , which added a little colour to her pale complexion , but it was not going to be warm enough and so she took the mink that had been part of her trousseau from the wardrobe and slung it around her shoulders .
4 Fully awake now , Polly lay absolutely still , her mind racing as she tried to work out what was real and what had been part of her dream .
5 " He was convinced " , wrote Tupper , " that the German man-in-the-street was participating in this senseless and savage struggle because the Prussian system forced him to ; the ordinary subject of the Kaiser might be misled into believing his cause just — but he could not conceive it possible that the German sailormen who had been part of our Merchant Service could have anything but hatred for this catastrophe " .
6 And although Big Flame was never an ‘ entryist ’ party-within-a-party , like some of the Trotskyite groups , including Militant Tendency , everyone who had been part of it remained friends .
7 Not that he did n't know its history — he had been part of it , if only as a silent witness of his brothers ' refusal to join the Fenian organisation which had started trying to recruit the young men of their day .
8 He 's a Russian émigré — came out just after the Revolution , although he had been part of it himself , and I do n't think he 's ever really settled down to ordinary life .
9 When he was at school , Gazzer 's graffiti had been part of his act : another way of establishing himself as a ‘ character ’ , of making his mates laugh .
10 I wanted to live awhile among those who had been part of his childhood and his last few years .
11 Fabia had a soft spot for dogs , and cats too , for that matter , and there had been talk of her training to be a vet .
12 It had been worship of him that had aroused Michael 's interest in boxing .
13 Er the disappointment obviously is oil services , so to begin I 'm gon na ask David , who as I said is Chairman of our Oil Services Division Camco to address this straight away .
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