Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] [adv] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The boys involved were not allowed to collect any end-of-term prizes .
2 Two detectives accused of altering a suspect 's statement to conceal the fact that he 'd been unlawfully arrested have been cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice .
3 I know but it 's just , waste of time in it ? they 'd been better spent to finish the order that they did have , and inject that , ha oh be fair to do that to use though , no doubt they will , pick out all the things we did n't do right bloody should done too many of this or not enough of that
4 She 'd been all set to enjoy being here , and had momentarily forgotten how taciturn her minder could be .
5 He 'd been all set to save England and I 'd stopped him .
6 She was still in love with the man , and the knowledge threatened to crumble the defences she 'd been steadfastly attempting to rebuild all day .
7 Although the threat of having to meet Rohan had been removed , the wedding was still going to be an ordeal for her , and she 'd been sorely tempted to plead sudden illness and stay away from the actual ceremony and celebrations .
8 A woman in her eighties was plagued by hallucinations of loud machinery noises coming from her neighbours ' houses , noises which she believed were deliberately made to disrupt her sleep .
9 And as often happens , United were so committed to attack , that they left the drawbridge down at the back and Lemon scored another in the last minute to make it Hereford 1 ; Chesterfield 3 .
10 The price the peasants paid was artificially inflated to compensate the nobility for the dues in labour and cash which they were losing .
11 The theory of outcome measurement they constructed was then used to develop a comprehensive system of assessment which could monitor the development of all children for whom local authorities take responsibility .
12 All patients included were histologically confirmed to have a carcinoma .
13 For one thing , the Labour Party leaders would not contemplate an alliance with the Communist Party , which they rightly feared was merely aiming to use Labour to gain political support and which was involved in almost needless violence against the supremely unimportant British fascists .
14 She was buxom , and the rust-red pullover she wore was not designed to minimize the fact .
15 For all I knew , they were flying the plane that I now knew was never going to make it to Bangkok .
16 I lay rigid , willing myself into the exhausted stupor that I knew was there waiting to engulf me again .
17 It was once explained to me that most Asians in Yorkshire do not play cricket anyway , but that those who did were genuinely encouraged to join Yorkshire League clubs .
18 If our dear departed were not going to speak out against the Berlin talks as seemed altogether likely suppose — I must say suppose — that some deranged mind decided to eliminate him under the guise of a Muscovite attempt on the dear Praident ?
19 They alleged that electoral rolls had been tampered with and that people had been either pressurized to vote , refused a vote , or discovered that others had voted in their place .
20 He had been unsuccessfully trying to off-load the de Kooning to the New York trade for several days before going on the make his bid for Le Miroir .
21 This not only disturbed the Junker sense of social stability , but played havoc with their income since it opened up the estates to the market force of unfettered labour : the Junkers were obliged to acknowledge a world that they had been desperately trying to shut out .
22 Moreover , despite the lack of artefacts , the bath-house at Catterick had been heavily used to judge by the state of the furnace cheeks , which had been rebuilt several times , and of the iron beams supporting the hot-water boilers , one of which had been completely burnt through .
23 The company had been well placed to take advantage of the 1960s consumer boom , and was already prospering by the time Horsley joined the Board in 1963 , at the age of twenty-nine .
24 The nine-year-old , owned by Sheikh Mohammed and trained by James Fanshawe , had been well placed to deliver his challenge approaching the final flight , but faded to finish just over six lengths behind the winner Novello Allegro .
25 Collor 's defence lawyers also confirmed that they would not call Farias ( who had been widely expected to turn on Collor , since Collor 's defence evidence was expected to centre around directing all the blame at him ) .
26 Rowan Martin , who had worked for 20 years with the department , had been widely tipped to get the new post of deputy director of the department , until his arrest in mid-1992 on corruption charges , on which he was later exonerated .
27 Isabel paused , the refrain she had been absently singing fading away as the soldier stepped into the pleasance at the same moment .
28 And it had been little comfort to realise — since he clearly could n't be bothered to even make the effort to get in touch with her — that her marriage had obviously been a disastrous mistake from the very beginning .
29 Belinda had been slightly unnerved to find that this man was Faye Hamilton 's obstetrician , and was rather alarmed at the prospect of spending a block of time in his elegant office , becoming familiar with the case history of her new patient .
30 The room contained little more than a long wooden table covered with lino , a barber 's chair that had been slightly modified to accommodate dental patients , another deep earthenware sink , and a basketwork bed — mounted on what looked like pram wheels — for patients forced to lie supine .
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