Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One of the more common Manhattan experiences of the early 1980s involved being approached by well-dressed individuals and asked to sign a petition helping the NAP get on the ballot in the name of democracy , and then being hit for a contribution .
2 It also helped being married to bleached-blonde ball-busting pop star Madonna .
3 The antechamber which he entered was filled with silent N'pani .
4 She even managed to convince the man that she 'd been sent by Roman to inspect the goods .
5 For part of the trip in a flat bed truck they 'd been acompanied by armed guards , but no-one had told them why .
6 Did you know he 'd been convicted of drunken driving ?
7 Tommaso had not come back at Ascension , though some others who 'd been called to military service at the same time walked into town one afternoon .
8 Maybe she 'd always had someone to look after her ; he 'd been living with darned socks and the stitch-in-time philosophy all his life , first his mother and then Margaret , who sorted her stockings out into ones she could wear to the office and ones which were only good for gardening .
9 Of course I 've sent specimens to Forensic but you can take it from me that he died of strychnine poisoning ; a fairly hefty dose but he 'd been living on borrowed time any way .
10 Mina said Gustav said she 'd been killed by Allied planes .
11 A factory worker has been describing how he tried in vain to save a colleague who 'd been overcome by toxic fumes .
12 We 'd been bickering since New Year and she 'd flounced out of my city flat in early May , darkly muttering , Nevermore !
13 Although he 'd been kept in secure accommodation 3 times in his life , he was now in a stable relationship with a new foster mother .
14 He was n't wearing the suit he 'd been wearing in Furnival Gardens .
15 The fifty nine year old singer who 'd been dogged by ill health died at his home in Arbroath on Monday .
16 Well I mo moved because promotion was in the line for me , I was in the Royal Marine Police in island depot in Plymouth and er I 'd been put on plain clothes work and I 'd been doing acting sergeant you know when the sergeant was off sick and all that business and er I 'd put , been put in for this to move because we had a two bedroom bungalow but the twins were getting big and I realized that we 'd have to have another bedroom you know , very soon and er , this seemed an opportunity to get a house and also in Plymouth , that Plymouth was a naval town , you see , there was still those days there was still kind of a , a lower deck of sons , what they call lower deckers , in other words you know people in the lower deck of the navy , their sons did n't really have much , ever have much chance of getting into places like Dartmouth College or Cramwell to do as cadets , well the headmaster at Regent Street School had said to me that Keith was very keen on flying , he was aeroplane mad you see , and , he wanted to go in the Royal Air Force , well he said to me he said oh no put him in the Navy and as a chief art as an artificer , so I said oh no , I said if he goes in the Navy or the service I want him to go in the front door not like me the back door , I had ambition for him
17 I 'd been indulging in good heart exercise while sitting still .
18 The first was some eight years ago when he 'd been accused of shoddy workmanship on a car which had been involved in a crash two days after he 'd MOTed it .
19 Oliffe 's job , according to his defence , was to fatten up animals over the winter , and this was the first time he 'd been accused of ill-treating animals .
20 Oxford Crown Court heard today that she 'd been subjected to repeated indecent assaults by her mother 's ex-boyfriend at their home in the Wantage area between 1985 and 1987 .
21 Even now , of course , her mother would deny that she 'd been driven by physical needs — she still insisted on living the lie that hers had been a love-story doomed to disaster .
22 The vasectomy dated from 1980 , when a girl I 'd been sleeping with told me she was embarazada .
23 An environmental activist prior to his appointment in 1990 [ see p. 37312 ] , Lutzemberger had been outspoken in his criticism of Brazilian institutions which he believed were contributing to environmental destruction , particularly that of the Amazon rainforest .
24 That is , 5% ( June ) and 4% ( November ) of all pupils surveyed were deemed by experienced and knowledgeable staff to be ‘ real ’ truants .
25 I have suggested that they were limited in their appeal because the changes they opposed were confined to doctrinal issues .
26 Most of the ‘ congregation ’ [ he said it in such a way that it merited being put in inverted commas ] do not know how to behave , when to stand or kneel , how to express their grief .
27 The problem which arose when Richard 's army arrived was caused by Tancred 's withholding of a dowry promised to Richard 's sister Joan — as well as the small matter of a legacy left by William II to Henry , who had been his father-in-law .
28 This continent seems to have been created by Augustus Le Plongeon for his 1896 novel Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphynx , which he claimed was based on original Mayan writings — which writings , of course , just happened to be unavailable to other scholars .
29 Indeed , in the 1970s , the theoretical influence of Jean Ricardou , who was aligned to both movements , extended even to the actual fiction produced by Robbe-Grillet and Claude Simon at that stage , and several of the concepts he formulated were regurgitated in critical interventions by these writers .
30 Not all the rooms he discovered were filled with strange objects .
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