Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] they [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Here , however , lay the crux of the matter , for the King of Prussia and his government maintained that they had never been officially associated with Leopold , whose activities were purely personal , and that the King was concerned with the matter only as head of the House of Hohenzollern .
2 She found that they vary independently of each other which suggests that at least one of the inversions is on one of the 8 metacentric pairs not involved in the numerical variability ( C. R. Bantock , personal communication ) .
3 We found that they matched quite closely .
4 The executives reported that they became highly involved in writing the cases .
5 Altogether 149 respondents reported that they had never undertaken or funded any HIV prevention work specifically aimed at gay or bisexual men .
6 ‘ One of these days ’ George promised and they smiled quickly at each other isolating Maxim in a twinge of envy .
7 Some of the men grumbled as they moved away , but all found some form of light and took a place in the line to join in the search .
8 They are quite rightly upset and offended as they have usually made their own decisions and are going through with them .
9 Stephen shouted when they stepped outside onto the terrace .
10 Dicke and Peebles were preparing to look for this radiation when Penzias and Wilson heard about their work and realized that they had already found it .
11 The grunts came again and Jack realized that they sounded all too human .
12 She realised that they had just joined the main motorway heading north-west out of London .
13 I viewed A&R men the same way and when I met them I realised that they knew even less than I thought they knew .
14 Initially , some progress appeared to have been made at the Jakarta meeting when Sihanouk and Hun Sen announced that they had finally agreed on a compromise formula on the issue of the SNC chair ( Sihanouk as chair , Hun Sen as vice-chair ) .
15 Progress was reported on the Israeli-Jordanian strand of negotiations , and on Oct. 28 the two sides announced that they had almost finalized a full agenda .
16 The defendants admitted that they had both been drinking heavily on the night of the offences .
17 When they were asked afterwards , both Owen and North admitted that they had never imagined ‘ a victory march down the streets of Managua ’ .
18 Subsequent expert examination revealed that they had only the harmless condition known as ‘ mould drip . ’
19 They revealed that they fired more than 200 rounds at the hijacked car , killing the three men inside , who were wearing boilersuits and balaclava helmets .
20 The police argued that they had reasonably apprehended that a breach of the peace might occur if there had been more than two pickets at each entrance .
21 They participated more fully in the intellectual and political life of their time — some argued that they participated too much — and reflected their society 's values , again , perhaps , too much if the criticisms of the ‘ social gospel ’ were accepted .
22 The Iranian authorities countered that they had repeatedly asked the Turkish government to present evidence for such claims .
23 He had taken his sister to town that morning , to Miss Baker 's and Miss Adeane 's where all the gossip would be flowing free and strong , and bought her a new hat and gloves and a flask of the perfume Miss Adeane kept hidden discreetly away for customers who wished it to he believed that they smelled naturally of lavender or roses .
24 An army spokesman pointed out to journalists that the men were being held under anti-terrorist legislation and added that they had already been interrogated and had been ‘ singing like birds ’ , a phrase from the criminal underworld implying that they had confessed to crimes .
25 It seemed that they saw straight into her soul .
26 She most feared what people thought of her , and imagined that they talked constantly about her behind her back .
27 The patina the bronzes had acquired during burial was much admired , and people assumed that they had originally been patinated .
28 Sir Alfred Ewing , head of Room 40 at the Admiralty , where the cryptography was carried on , was bemused that the Germans continued to use the codes which were already compromised , and he assumed that they considered arrogantly that the British were too stupid to break them .
29 Later , when he went to check that Bathsheba 's sheep were safe , he noticed that they looked very frightened .
30 I refused him then but I weakened when they asked again after Chip had gone .
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