Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] he [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 Miss Groundwater — he found that he thought of her in this way again , as a fillip to rage — was seated at her mirror , already in her nightgown , brushing out her hair .
2 Roy winced as he thought of her .
3 Cameron , impressed but evidently rather baffled , minuted that he approved of the proposals and found them ‘ entirely in accord with what we wanted and what I thought was being practised ’ .
4 When engaged in writing the naval history of the war , he had of course accumulated more material , both British and German , than he was ever able to use ; and one day over coffee at Cambridge I asked if he knew of any naval occasion of the Second World War which had not yet been told and which , in his view , ought to be .
5 Lt Cot Hocevar stated that he knew of these plans , but that he considered that Carinthia was not part of Austria .
6 For example , a county GRIST coordinator ( formerly a mathematics teacher ) who claimed that he knew of the Report but had not read it , made the following eloquent and not untypical statement :
7 Charles Lambe claimed that he knew of some Dissenters who " will not touch either Food or Raiment , that was not bought in the Shop of a Fanatick .
8 He choked back the tears and shook as he told of how he 'd been driving along the road when steam started coming out of the bonnet .
9 All that , everything about him , his bearing , his voice , the cold of horror that was on him , for he shook as he spoke of it , all rang true to me .
10 Lowell 's conscience ebbed and flowed when he thought of Ballater and the old man 's anxiety .
11 His eyes shone as he spoke of his great purpose in life , and I was listening , fascinated , so neither of us heard the light footsteps approaching the cottage along the grassy path .
12 Fabia gathered that he approved of her walking shoes , but , even so , it did not stop him from warning , somewhat severely , I 'm not turning back in five minutes . ’
13 But big-hearted Gerry laughed when he heard of the prank .
14 Mr Masduki , after attending the miners ' rallies in London last year , said that he dreamt of the day that ‘ this could happen in Indonesia ’ .
15 Momentarily his mind strayed and he thought of Fei Yen and the child in her belly .
16 That is why Paul was so angry and distressed when he heard of the divisions in the Christian church at Corinth .
17 As Suger said much later , the king recognized that he held of St Denis and that , if he were not king , he would owe the saint homage . ’
18 His tone suggested that he disapproved of the notion . ’
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