Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] he [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Wotcher ! ’ he shouted as he scraped on the strings .
2 To that representative of the religious élite who by his bland statement , ‘ How happy are those who will sit down at the feast in the Kingdom of God ! , ’ revealed that he counted on a reserved seat , our Lord told the parable of the Great Feast .
3 She kept a secret diary which revealed that he spoke on average 3.5 words a day , she told a divorce judge .
4 One of the accusations used and levelled against er against Christianity against the , the evangelical message , against things like the , the mission of Graham and , and others is that it , it does n't meet the needs the , the material needs of people but if you deal with the persons spiritual needs , if their sins are forgiven , those problems that are causing the material problem , it 's amazing how there are dealt with as well , the best way to sober up a person , the best way to deal with a person who 's an alcoholic , the best way to deal with a person who is a drug addict , the best way to deal with a person who , who commits adultery is not by telling them the wrongs of those things , it 's not by trying to , to , to do , to , to , you know , to , to counsel them it 's presenting the gospel allowing Jesus Christ to come into their lives and to forgive them , that will make the person sober quicker than all the counselling in the world and Paul says I brought you the most important the fundamental thing , that Christ died for our sins Paul again when he 's writing to the Romans in chapter five and verse eight he says but God demonstrates his own love towards us , in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us so God did in Jesus Christ what we could n't do for ourselves , so all of you have sin , so all of my sin , and he came and he died on the cross and as he was dying there was that transmit there , for he was n't dying for his own sin buy he was dying for your sin and for mine , it was all piled on him and so when we except what Christ has done , when we come to that place and yes I believe that you died for me ,
5 Going home next day , he noticed as he waited on the platform for the tube to Baker Street , that the track sings as the train comes into West Hampstead , long before you can see it , and the silver lines shiver as it approaches .
6 He was taken to Middlesbrough General Hospital , but his condition deteriorated and he died on the afternoon of May 20 .
7 The tragedy happened when he slipped on wet grass at the home of 75year-old retired Brigadier Tim Pierson in Fownhope , near Hereford .
8 ‘ The tempo is beginning to accelerate , ’ Tweed commented as he slipped on his linen jacket .
9 Stephen Brown survived because he landed on a narrow ledge about 18ft below the cliff edge at Sandy Bay , Exmouth , Devon , Charles Barton QC , for the prosecution , said .
10 Between the noise of the bloody guns and clouds of bloody mosquitoes buzzing around my head , all I 've had for my two hours is more mosquito lumps on my face , and I 'm more tired than ever. , Taff and I chatted while he sat on the floor of the trench smoking his cigarette .
11 Prentice 's foot and leg shuddered as he rolled on the grass .
12 In the 73rd minute Philliskirk netted as he got on the end of a cross from Boro substitute Bobby Barnes .
13 An almost full moon filtered through racing clouds to give a pale light and I watched as he pulled on his rubber seaboots and slipped out of the room .
14 Feeling as if she had been dismissed , Lindsey watched as he sat on the bed and reached for his stethoscope .
15 ‘ Hang him , hang him ’ , they cried , and demanded that he go on trial .
16 Earl Cowper , the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Bedfordshire , ‘ expressed the humiliation and shame which he felt when he reflected on his Church 's treatment of Bunyan ’ .
17 ‘ We 'll appeal to his worst then , ’ he laughed as he went on his way .
18 She watched and listened as he sat on the bed , held the frightened woman 's hand and made her believe it too .
19 He shivered as he buckled on his sword and took up his post , hating the chill darkness and the loneliness .
20 right , Archie , he 's erm , on his own , own he 's er , think his wife died years ago , he saved and saved and he went on a big cruise , do you know what I mean ?
21 He chuckled as he went on his way .
22 His heart thumped as he stood on the Yugoslav border and stared through the night at the nearby fields in Hungary .
23 At a UK rap jam held at London 's Marquee this summer , they booed and hissed when he stepped on stage .
24 When allegations that Schnur had worked for the Stasi for at least 20 years were first made on March 9 his denials were supported up by the West German government which said that he had on the contrary been passing information on political repression in East Germany to them .
25 Andy Gray , on Sky , said that he sits on a panel to decide if a goal is an OG or not … and can then take goals off players .
26 He said as he stepped on the ‘ plane : ‘ I would love to come back for another season at Portadown — but no-one has said anything to me .
27 ‘ This is reward for many years of hard work , for all the perseverance and the lonely nights , ’ he said as he sat on the terrace of the clubhouse revelling in the atmosphere and attention of a successful first round .
28 We have to get this clear once and for all and it is the question of what Neil Armstrong said when he landed on the Moon .
29 I was too miserable to giggle , but I wondered if the fiancées had when he postured on his lawn .
30 The third step creaked as he stepped on it .
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