Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] i [be] [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 This demonstrated that I was not yet a legionnaire as I had not been awarded my white képi , and as such was still an ‘ engagé volontaire ’ or recruit ; it went on to say that I had one month 's service in the Legion , and that I was part of the Squadron commanded by Capitaine Duransoy , in the section of Sergeant Major Barlerin of the 1st Foreign Cavalry Regiment .
2 After I had finally collected my British passport from Petty France , I bought an Evening Standard and found that I was n't in the team .
3 ‘ Why did n't you tell me in Brighton when we met that I was n't in the team ?
4 He took me to the farmer , who soon realized that I was not an animal , but an intelligent being .
5 Once the lessons began I realized that I was not nearly up to the standard of the others .
6 I thought about this for a long time and slowly I realized that I was not extraordinary in this .
7 I suddenly realized that I was n't myself any more : I did n't give a damn whether he was wearing a tie or not . ’
8 ‘ He cared that I was not — not available ? ’
9 At lunchtime the aid started going off and I suddenly realised that I was n't going to get through the afternoon — ’
10 On my way out of the shed , I suddenly realised that I was not on my own .
11 He would nod in reply , and I would creep away , sniggering at my tiny cruelty , pleased that I was not quite such a nice young man as he might have imagined .
12 I was pleased to be sitting here with a strong drink , pleased that I was n't staked out on the basement floor , playing the romantic lead in a snuff movie .
13 Seeking without knowing what and going deeper into the forest , I noticed that I was not alone .
14 ‘ Then he failed and I was n't told . ’
15 Well , he smiled all ingratiatingly , then suddenly he asked if I was n't tired of the Lesbian kick ?
16 I acted like I was n't with them .
17 ‘ He took more than a proper liking to me , and when I indicated that I was not interested in his advances he had me cast off … without a reference , so that I can not find suitable employment . ’
18 And although I 'm not I enjoyed the piping , I enjoyed But I was not at peace I says I says , you 've even ruined me for this .
19 I was given the opportunity to have a rehearsal with him but I declined because I am not like the professionals who can rehearse in detail and then put it over as fresh as a daisy when the time comes .
20 At that moment I decided that I was not going to answer questions about her origins or discuss Shanti in any way in front of her .
21 I volunteered for the Grenadier Guards , well I had to go to Chelsea Barracks and after a week there , they decided that I was n't medically fit for them , although the doctor or the M O at the Ipswich Recruiting Officer said , oh yes , you 're A one you 'll be fine for the guard but cos I was fairly well built , stature wise .
22 He had a set of photocopied notes , which implied that I was n't his first apprentice .
23 I telephoned the next day , and the producer , having chatted with me awhile and ascertained that I was not a nutter ( I think ) , asked me to make a programme .
24 If I got on me high horse every time somebody hinted that I was n't like Betty Grable , I would have ridden to hell long before this . ’
25 The shift was in fact half over by the time I started and I was n't really able to do much of any value .
26 Lack of funds in the past meant that I was n't always able to see the job through . ’
27 I knew myself to be stupid , but I sometimes felt that I was n't alone , and that stupidity was a condition which age did not ease .
28 As long as my father was alive I felt that I was not myself but his son , as I hope my son will feel for me — if I ever have a son , that is . ’
29 But these people had been shot down some months ago and as the Feldwebel had told me that this was only a transit camp I knew that I was not likely to meet them here .
30 I was aware what could happen , I could see that any weakness was pounced upon by the other boys and I knew that I was n't big enough or belligerent enough to bully my way out of it .
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