Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] i [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Night after night while I was asleep , I shouted that I was the murderer of William , Justine , and Henry .
2 I also had fierce battles with Peter Rees , while Peter 's successor , John MacGregor , maintained that I was the only minister who almost walked out of one of his ‘ bilaterals ’ .
3 I mean let me mention one — the chairman mentioned that I was a rash enough to write a book on the evolution of sex .
4 I asked him whether history had changed from the dull factual subject , all about kings , queens , and the Repeal of the Corn Laws , that I encountered when I was a schoolboy .
5 So I gingerly walked down and crept into the car realized that I was the one that had caused all that
6 But , once he realised that I was a bit apart from them , we started to get on well and wrote a lot together , coming up with new lyrics for ‘ Did You No Wrong ’ and beginning to find cover versions that would really establish our identity .
7 ‘ He automatically assumed that I was a lesbian . ’
8 With the egocentricity of all human creatures , exacerbated by my youth and misery I assumed that I was the cause and source of this lack of comfort and stirred myself to attempt to dispel it .
9 He asked if I was a friend of the other young chap who had made exactly the same enquiry of him ten days ago . ’
10 A minute after I got into the water a large woman in an orange bathing cap swam up and asked if I was a newspaper correspondent .
11 He then asked my name , and on hearing it , asked if I was the padre at the convalescent homes , adding , ‘ A damned fine job .
12 They conveniently forgot that I was a member of the Kingman Committee .
13 I was asked to turn out at Coventry and I agreed because I 'm a professional player and that 's my job — but I was n't feeling 100 per cent .
14 After looking at me carefully , they decided that I was a creature outside the laws of nature .
15 Not like the covenant which I made when I took them by the hand To bring them out of the land of Egypt — my covenant which they broke Although I was a husband to them , says the Lord .
16 In my case I almost felt that I was a participant in some workshops which had been filmed ten years earlier .
17 There are times when you can feel successful when you 've done virtually nothing — I remember when I became a radio actor , and I was pushing my motor bike , which had run out of petrol , up the main street in Cardiff , and I felt that I was a great star , and was very pleased with myself .
18 I watched Alexander whore , drink , lecher and toady to your Edward and I knew that I was a better man .
19 Well they knew that I was a graduate in erm , they had two , they had a , a lab manager and an assistant , and they both went sick at the same time , and er , they asked me if I 'd do it .
20 I understood from his conversation that he was a druggist , and he thought that I was a druggist , too .
21 Whilst I saw myself as the hero 's faithful sidekick got up as I was in cowboy gloves with real leather fringes , two guns in holsters buckled on and tied around the leg for fast draws , ten gallon hat and waistcoat , Skippy insisted that I be the daughter of the murdered rancher whose cattle were being rustled .
22 that was the laugh with David he said erm , he said about that and that cos when he had this , they had this big farewell thing did n't they at the bowling alley and I never went and I was the only one and erm they come round , they come round and I thought yeah I really
23 I thought if I was a little bit fitter , fresher and stronger I would be able to do a better job — which is what turned out in the end . ’
24 Uncle Bill had looked after my grandmother until she died when I was a baby .
25 ‘ My parents died when I was a baby , you know , and for the last three years I 've had to work for my food .
26 ‘ My parents died when I was a teenager , you see .
27 So it was indeed a classic nightmare where I dreamt that I was the only person searching for the child , and the only person who saw that this vast Argosy was down near the coastline , and I landed in a most difficult position near the aircraft and found nobody else about .
28 ‘ Probably not as much as I did when I was a kid ; the travelling part is hard .
29 But does it live self-consciously , or blithely as it did when I was a child ?
30 Like I did when I was a boy .
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