Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [noun sg] [vb past] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Once up in the front line , troops found that life had been reduced , in the words of a Beaux Arts professor serving with the Territorials , ‘ to a struggle between the artillerymen and the navvy , between the cannon and the mound of earth ’ All day long the enemy guns worked at levelling the holes laboriously scraped out the previous night .
2 Immediately after the dummy was produced , Thornton found that money had been raised in his home city of Newcastle by using his name without permission .
3 He put aside being lonely for a moment , and realized that hunger had been waiting for an opportunity to make-itself felt .
4 The restructuring school argued that decentralization had been an element in these strategies .
5 We were introduced to the Mint House and , as Nancy and I listened , we learnt that money had been made there before the Royal Mint in London .
6 The turning point for me came after scum had been one fo the chosen matches for about 8 weeks in succession , then one evening it seemed they were nt .
7 A UEFA spokesman explained : ‘ The referee presented his match report which stated that money had been offered to both him and his officials .
8 A UEFA spokesman explained : ‘ The referee presented his match report which stated that money had been offered to both him and his officials .
9 A joint bulletin issued on 7 June stated that agreement had been reached over methods of consulting Korean democratic parties and other relevant organisations on developments leading to the creation of a unified government and that the text of agreement would be issued shortly .
10 A Soviet Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs , Valeri Nikolaenko , who visited the Cuban capital Havana on Sept. 21-22 , stated that agreement had been reached on the practical aspects of a staged withdrawal of a 3,000-strong Soviet training brigade and on a " specific time frame " for talks on further withdrawals .
11 Lieutenant Whitby of the Cameronians confirmed that laxness had been rife , although he was more worried at the lack of respect meted to the prisoner than the damage done to his self-esteem .
12 The Board gave its blessing to the scheme and in May 1926 , the Minister of Health confirmed that application had been made to the General Nursing Council for approval of St. Peter 's as a training school .
13 In evaluations of the length of time spent on supervised clinical allocation before employment , the vast majority of course tutors said that course members felt that time allowed was inadequate , and would happily have continued for longer .
14 I knew that response had been bad in our parish and I honestly did n't expect many young people to be there anyway .
15 ‘ You knew that letter had been sent , you even knew it was going to arrive on my birthday .
16 He evidently considered that all pottery of that period was intended to be reduced black or grey , and thought that black burnished were actually coated with bitumen .
17 I thought that information had been suppressed . ’
18 If you thought that era had been long since killed off by the replacement of British wrestling on our screens by the outrageous comic-book exploits of the Americans , you would be horribly wrong .
19 ‘ Angy and I had supper together on the Monday evening but she never said that girl had been here , or that Rick was corning to see her . ’
20 ‘ You said that policeman had been here . ’
21 According to Radio France International Cheiffou said that progress had been hindered by various obstacles including intrigues by political parties and the unjustified expectations of the army .
22 He said that leadership had been shown and the members had conducted themselves in a disciplined manner with pride and dignity .
23 They said that difficulty had been created because of the uncertainty of poll tax funding and of the regime laid down by the Government .
24 Opening an extraordinary MPLA-PT congress in Luanda on April 24 , dos Santos said that agreement had been reached on a ceasefire to begin the following month and that elections would take place in September 1992 .
25 A communiqué issued after the meeting said that agreement had been reached on ( i ) the implementation of the CFE treaty without renegotiation ; ( ii ) a commitment by all former Soviet republics to honour the obligations of the Soviet Union under the CFE treaty ; and ( iii ) the ratification of the CFE treaty by all newly-independent states and completion of the process in time for the March-July session of the Helsinki Review Conference .
26 A contemporary physician in Barcelona , Dr Diza de Isla , wrote that syphilis had been unknown until that date and that he had treated members of the crew for ‘ bubas ’ and the ‘ serpentine disease ’ .
27 The differences in history , theology and practices , combined with historic jealousies and denominational structures which prospered as membership grew were enormous stumbling blocks .
28 Two years ago a Romanian government commission on the razing of gypsy villages concluded that violence had been provoked by ‘ persons [ ie , gypsies ] who have acquired vast possessions by illicit means . ’
29 Reports suggested that rationing had been necessitated by the effects of UN sanctions [ see p.37639-40 ] which had depleted stocks of chemicals required to produce lubricants and refine petrol .
30 However , some market participants suggested that volume had been boosted by cross-trading , that is , the to-and-fro trading of contracts between market makers to create volume artificially .
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