Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] through the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Patronage did not die out with industrialization ; it lived on through the honorific offices of county clubs and national bodies .
2 Yanto 's mind was busy as he meandered slowly through the leafy lanes towards Purton .
3 Within a quarter of an hour Thomas was back , hugging himself with pleasure in his own cunning , and they passed together through the little door , and drew it to again after them .
4 One was headed ‘ Science Goes Too Far ! ’ and Mike skimmed swiftly through the heavy black print .
5 He walked to the window and gazed down through the net curtains .
6 Cornelius gazed in through the front window of Molly 's Wholefoods .
7 So Tallis described what she could sense , and then they moved on through the silent and deathly place , watching the dying and the dead with caution .
8 Above them , on the screen , the funeral procession moved slowly through the walled northern garden at Tongjiang : the Li family , the seven T'ang , their generals and their chief retainers .
9 Overalled figures , wearing goggles , face-masks , helmets or turbans , moved slowly through the sulphurous gloom or crouched over their inscrutable tasks beside furnaces and machines .
10 The cows moved slowly through the long green grass .
11 A figure moved slowly through the uncertain light towards him , as faceless and monumental as Death in an old engraving .
12 The passengers may have been ablaze with diamonds , but the ships themselves were lit at every porthole and festooned with lights , as they moved relentlessly through the dark Atlantic waters like brilliant spaceships intent on terrestrial encounters .
13 The trial ground on through the long hot summer in Pretoria .
14 Sir Henry de Bohun levelled his lance and charged at the unarmoured king ; but Bruce rose in his stirrups , and with his battleaxe cleft right through the English knight 's helmet and skull .
15 I told the stationer I 'd be back for my parcel , and wandered on through the cold sunny streets .
16 Dot peered in through the tiny curtained windows of the dolls ' house and saw quiet furnished rooms , the playroom , kitchen , parlour , waiting to be lived in , a table set for tea , beds to be slept in , armchairs to be sat on .
17 We leaned on the railing , and peered down through the littered lattice of cross-angled trees , their backs broken in their last attempt to scramble up the cliff .
18 Ella and Linda bounced in through the open front door .
19 The car , already slowed to a crawl , stopped halfway through the open gates .
20 It was a slow , infuriating process , and as A roads gave way to B and Robyn neared her destination already two hours late , the slowly darkening skies became as black and as desperate as Robyn 's frame of mind , until the heavens opened and it started to pour — not reasonable , perfectly acceptable drops of rain from a warm July sky , but pounding , penetrating torrents that battered and bounced off the roof of the jeep and seeped in through the ill-fitting windows .
21 Tim Reagan , a gaunt forty-year-old , who was a genius with trade unions as well as being an accountant and Peter Yeo 's right hand , moved swiftly through the secretarial problem , which was one of shortage of same , and seemed , as Peter Yeo observed pleasantly , to have been exactly the same difficulty any time in the last two years , to a discussion of building security , in which no one was much interested either .
22 The shallow burial phase was dominated by pore waters that were derived from surface environments and percolated down through the buried sediments ( Fig. 6 ) .
23 A small , glowing disc swam calmly through the clear morning air trailing sparks .
24 Lightning forked overhead , illuminating the camp like day , and thunder crashed deafeningly through the deep darkness that followed .
25 a talisman , a passport — and with Wood seeing them out onto the empty streets , he moved off through the cool , misty town , into Newlands Valley , over towards Buttermere , his heart hammering him on to get back to her before it was too late .
26 Eventually we moved off through the main gate of the camp to the Vorlager , or front camp , where the showers were situated .
27 Their chanting rose up through the vaulted roof of the Cistercian chapel .
28 In most liberal democracies it has gradually been supplemented by a new plebiscitary politics , based on the cult of charismatic leaders built up through the mass media .
29 When the light and warmth of the fire had given way to smoke , they put on their shoes and wandered homeward through the silent village and the frosty starlit night .
30 Suddenly , as he peered out through the moisture-smeared pane , something near the base of the wall seized his attention : letters spray-painted in white on its blackened surface , forming words he could not , in that instant of recognition , quite believe .
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