Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er I u used like I did with the adds and
2 As soon as he found out I knew about cameras and all that , he realised I could make myself useful round the studio , so I sort of moved in .
3 When we got outside I said to Shanti , ‘ That nice man has said you can be our little girl for ever . ’
4 No noise came so I peeked round the door .
5 But as soon as the combine came in I had to be very careful with them .
6 Whining farting howling erm he came in at half past five and er overnight again she 's got two carloads there so it was just the same till gone eleven anyway when Mick came in I said to him what did that bloke say and he said he 's looking out some different equipment to what he
7 so , erm , last night when we came home I looked at this Argos ticket which I could n't find and I 've , in that I 've found what erm a Weight Watcher er menu , so I picked that out , so I 've had erm do n't know what you 'll call it today , boiled egg and toast , eh bread and butter
8 ‘ When I first came out I stayed with Julia and I 've since heard from her to say well done , ’ says Corinne .
9 ‘ Before I came here I worked in Cumbria and Dorset .
10 The first thing that I noticed when I arrived in the dusty Managua airport , besides the tanks parked in the landing field , was an enormous poster of an unmistakable Daniel Ortega , clad in blue jeans and a cowboy shirt , holding an infant with an earring .
11 Whilst on the market stall I had a Liverpool pensioner who had n't seen a Liverpool organisation so when I got home I sent to her a notice of the huge rally there going to hold in September , in Liverpool with a couple of Bishop 's and big national speakers , I sent that to her and also contacted a Liverpool pensioner secretary to get in touch with her , and we 've also written to erm , that 's the rally , erm , we 've also , I 've also written to Jim from Cumberland , if you remember er his down our rally , so we should have some , we decided to buy twelve copies of each publication they produce and one when we get our office will be available there .
12 As we walked away I looked at him sideways .
13 When I got back I sat in front of the big glass with the door shut and the lights off , till dawn .
14 ‘ When I got out I looked at the car and the lorry and I just could n't believe it .
15 At the last minute , when the stern hit the swollen water and the dinghy 's progress flattened out I jumped in myself and simply hoped against all reasonable hope that we would n't sink at once .
16 this way we started I started here I wrote in here S equals some function of T.
17 ‘ I decided then I had to be fit and hungry when I next played .
18 The the festival I th went on I think for for three summers .
19 After the phone went down I sat in the garden like a very old terracotta gargoyle .
20 The local stone here is gritstone , much of it brought down I suspect from the quarries on the flanks of Penhill , and on a summer 's evening , when the children are playing on the swings and people are sat talking quietly in the dying sunlight outside the pub while an old dog wanders across the green sniffing his way towards the children , then , when every building is tinted with amber and the gardens are heavy with blooms , it could well be said to be " t'prattiest lal spot i't'Dales " .
21 ‘ Oh , Guy , if you only knew how I longed for you , how I dreamed that one day you would rescue me . ’
22 ‘ But you knew how I felt about him , ’ pouted Anne .
23 But you knew how I felt about you , did n't you ? ’
24 ‘ I thought maybe I go to a party , ’ he explains , ‘ so I bring bottle from aeroplane .
25 I knew when I got into trouble I might get sent back , because when you 've been to prison once , you can be sent back every time you get into trouble .
26 One officer , a really nice screw , a senior officer called Mrs [ R ] , understood why I wanted to be moved off the pregnant house and got me moved the next day .
27 I did n't at the time know where to , but when I had only about two months to go I too was posted , to Scampton near Lincoln , and who was the first person I saw when I booked into the Waaf Guard Room ?
28 Practically the first thing I saw when I got off the train and walked along those roads again was Hairy Back and his dog , the Great Dane .
29 This hypothesis was roughly confirmed by what I saw when I came to the quayside , or what had been the quayside when the lake existed .
30 Why did not I think of it before ?
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