Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] in [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A number of significant changes have occurred in British society since 1979 , and the one centred on in this book has been the emergence of an underclass .
2 Well the first question I want to ask you is how do you feel you got on in those presentations .
3 She was small and dark , with rimless spectacles , and became matronly in middle age .
4 FoE 's local branch had paid £2,000 for a stretch of disused railway land , which it then sold on in square-metre plots to 1,700 supporters .
5 There was always this idea that people lived on in some form after death , looking after you .
6 The application of sophisticated mathematical techniques and other Blue Skies approaches in engineering may come about through collaboration , but the important point to realise is that once formal or rigorous methods have been developed and applied successfully in one field of engineering , they may be applicable , suitably modified , to others and perhaps lead to more reliable specifications and designs in general .
7 This led on in later generations to a widespread belief among orthodox Christians that the Bible should be looked upon as a compendium of truths directly revealed by God , inerrant and totally consistent in all its parts , and thus the supremely authoritative source of information not only on points of doctrine but on any other matters on which it might touch .
8 Photojournalism and the birth of photography are briefly touched on , Context and Ambiguity expanded on in some depth , ethics briefly considered and a fair selection of illustrations from the exhibition are included , including Robert Capa 's The Last Man to die , Leipzig , Germany and Chris Steele-Perkins Famine in Karamoja Province , Uganda , images that are almost commonplace today .
9 Most of the management and men lived locally in New Cumnock or in one of the miners ' rows in the district .
10 He read widely in all spheres of learning and became inspired with the idea that he had a mission to introduce the learning of western Europe to his countrymen in Serbia .
11 Candles and oil-lamps gleamed weakly in distant windows and a torch shone briefly down by the ancient Cross as a link-boy led a gentleman home after a night 's revelry , by the shortest and hopefully , safest route .
12 The commercial procedure of dégorgement crept in in gradual steps sometime in the latter part of the eighteenth century , or soon after , and might have been the producers ' response to an increasing number of complaints about their clouded wines .
13 Our regiment had a very fine cellar , laid down in Victorian days , and it had to be abandoned .
14 During the years of South Africa 's isolation from the world community and its suspension from the ILO , hybrid labour legislation was passed by the South African parliament which may or may not conform to the minimum standards for the protection of workers laid down in various ILO conventions .
15 A State exercising a right by a provision of a treaty to which it is not a party is bound to comply with any conditions laid down in that provision , or elsewhere in the treaty for the exercise of the right .
16 Our understanding of the vertical ( as opposed to the horizontal ) movements of the lithosphere during continental rupture is largely derived from the interpretation of the sediments laid down in passive margin basins .
17 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what action he takes to enforce procedures laid down in national health service circular No. 1975 ( GEN ) 46 .
18 The standard of care laid down in this case has been doubted in subsequent cases .
19 ( I ) The desirability of contesting the constituency for parliament shall be considered by the Executive Committee of this party in consultation with the National Executive Committee or its officers prior to the procedure laid down in this clause being set in motion .
20 If you deviate substantially and importantly from the conditions laid down in this letter of engagement , we will be free to terminate the engagement by immediate notice at any time and to engage additional and/or alternative directors to perform some or all of the functions set out here .
21 If you deviate substantially and importantly from the conditions laid down in this letter of engagement , we will be free to terminate the engagement by immediate notice at any time and to engage additional and/or alternative directors to perform some or all of the functions set out here .
22 If you deviate substantially and importantly from the conditions laid down in this letter of engagement , we will be free to terminate the engagement by immediate notice at any time and to engage additional and/or alternative directors to perform some or all of the functions set out here .
23 The job description shall be consistent with the contractual duties laid down in this agreement .
24 Cuttings were made to ease the original gradients , causeways laid down in difficult places , and the roadway widened .
25 The 1947 Electricity Act laid down in some detail procedures for matters such as capital authorisations from the Ministry and the relative spheres of interest of Central Authority and Area Boards , but on the major questions of business policy the industry had a relatively free hand , subject only to a requirement to consult the Minister on matters of broad policy .
26 If the said Member of Parliament is not selected as the prospective parliamentary candidate at the special meeting referred to in paragraph ( b ) above to be the prospective parliamentary candidate , he or she shall have the right to appeal to the National Executive Committee on the grounds , and only on the grounds , that the procedure laid down in these rules and the general provision of the constitution and rules have not been properly carried out .
27 A certain amount of the Stuart expansion had been carried out by chartered companies , and the enemies of James II showed relatively little regard for the rights laid down in these charters .
28 The stricken suitor followed the tradition laid down in these matters and went to look for a fight .
29 For all the young people who have shared not just today but shared together in this weekend thank you God .
30 payments should be 100% of loss up to a certain limit , and tapered down in varying proportions thereafter .
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