Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [pron] see the " in BNC.

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1 The VW , driven by Wing , overtook and he saw the defendant 's brother , a passenger in the car , gesticulating at him .
2 ‘ No , ’ Connelly shouted as he saw the glowing rings and felt their heat .
3 She stopped as she saw the look of annoyance on his face .
4 The Imperial troops posted to defend the river gates from Kislev fled when they saw the green horde stretched out across the horizon and advancing at full speed towards them .
5 They would start to jeer at the company , but stopped when they saw the Hearthware sashes and the Myrcan staves and whispered amongst themselves .
6 Mrs Joe was saying as she came out of the kitchen , ‘ The pie — has — gone ! ’ but stopped when she saw the soldiers .
7 He stopped when he saw the twisted grin on Luther 's face , and it made him remember with a falling heart that this man was not his real father .
8 He stopped when he saw the car and made as if to turn back .
9 ‘ My heart sank when I saw the hill . ’
10 ‘ I went to the old house where she lived and I saw the paintings .
11 Well if you see how many pallets they got and you see the trouble is the metal ones are so slippery they 're all the while dropping meat all over the floor .
12 Increasingly , the socialists declared that they saw the republic as a Bourgeois stepping stone in a transition to a socialist regime .
13 Lieutenant Simon Doggett waited at the crossroads and frowned when he saw the blood on Sharpe 's arm .
14 These are often documents that were never included in the original audit — perhaps never existed until someone saw the potential of the new system and decided to exploit it .
15 ‘ Good God , ’ she breathed as she saw the state of him .
16 She turned to the window , and her heart leapt as she saw the grey line of the sea .
17 His heart felt heavy and his legs wobbled when he saw the Bookman still sitting inside , looking very depressed .
18 Oliver bounded upstairs , and slowed when he saw the figures on the landing .
19 He felt a sticky wetness on his left leg , glanced down and swore as he saw the bloodstain spreading downwards from around the bullet hole in the denim .
20 I panicked when I saw the blood .
21 Whilst we also believe increasing amounts of renewable energy must be harnessed in future , our long-standing service to landscape protection meant that we saw the environmental costs of doing this perhaps more clearly than others .
22 ‘ When the first bell went and I saw the way Lennox was going after him I told the guys watching with me that Ruddock had better watch for that left of Lewis 's or he 'd be counter-punched with the right and get himself knocked out — and that 's exactly what happened . ’
23 Where there had been one figure faintly outlined in the frame of the staging there were now two — one large , obviously Jotan , and one much smaller , a child Alexei thought until he saw the muscular build and shortened legs and realised that Jotan had caught a dwarf .
24 Suddenly , the track fell away sharply , in front of her feet , and she felt before she saw the expanded horizon .
25 It carried her into the park and only wavered when she saw the playground .
26 And I have to say that cos Mr ca n't answer that , that is how the western community of Harrogate felt when they saw the way that this public consultation document was led .
27 It was hard to conceal the sudden rush of nerves she felt when she saw the way he was watching her with that barely hidden amusement .
28 How can I tell you what I felt when I saw the body ?
29 My mother nearly died when she saw the mess but little did she know that I was going to do it all again the next day .
30 They laughed when they saw the tea , and demonstrated in dumb show how it should really be made .
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