Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [pron] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Lily said , ‘ No , we can get Miss Bradshaw 's signature any time we want it ’ , and Vernon shouted that they had a perfect right to loiter on a public pavement .
2 The current generation of devices has already established a growing acceptance of electronic media among information users and demonstrated that they have a choice in the way they get access to the resources they need .
3 It was threatened again ( though Edward VIII made it plain that he would only comply if the Liberal government demonstrated that it had a popular mandate for abolition ) in 1909 .
4 When Xerox first embarked on benchmarking it helped that it had a Japanese partner , Fuji Xerox , that it could look to for information about Japanese practices .
5 In my case , I think it helped that I had a modest aptitude for football .
6 You mentioned that we need a stronger centre in government .
7 Kate mentioned that she joined a local knitting club , so I 'm surprised that she has n't discussed the subject there and been given advice as to which way to proceed .
8 Then I mentioned that I had a Lawson Buford tuba solo from 1927 somewhere in my record collection and I was back in favour .
9 ‘ You mentioned that you had a half-brother , ’ she murmured , ‘ and that he 'd be coming into Woodline Design . ’
10 She still , at this point , disliked the songs and it was n't until she was in the studio and involved that she found a passionate core to the music and began to revel in it .
11 And so the Air Staff found that they had a vociferous and powerful industrial lobby in both Westminster and Whitehall to back their case for GOR 339 .
12 But Ramsey and Barth found that they shared a common sense of humour .
13 Mayer and Timms ( 1970 ) , in a noteworthy social work text , found that there existed a massive level of misunderstanding between client and social worker concerning individual need .
14 I also found that I had a vitamin deficiency , and Anna-Lisa introduced me to vitamin supplements .
15 I applied for an interview , and shortly afterwards found that I had a new job .
16 I found that I gained a lot of strength from all this regular correspondence with people and , four years on , I now feel much more myself again , although of course I still miss my husband tremendously .
17 She began to ask Simon her usual questions and found that he drove a Merc , preferred cacti to ferns and voted Labour but only because there was no alternative .
18 Grayling found that he had a hard time getting people to take him seriously .
19 When in the fullness of immense periods of time , emerging man found that he needed a ‘ god ’ , and a logical conception of ‘ good ’ and ‘ evil ’ , he had no alternative but to accept that the countless millions of operations which make up the law of the ‘ survival of the fittest ’ , had necessarily to be designated either ‘ good ’ , if they furthered the cause , or completely disregarded if they did not .
20 British town planning , both as a movement and as a profession , found that it had a relevance to wider questions to which it could respond .
21 On opening it , she found that it contained a note from Ben .
22 He found that it opened a window on the City that he would otherwise never have had .
23 Economic historians used to interpret these as " uncultivated holdings " and inferred that they represented a total loss from the landlord 's standpoint .
24 Most LEAs reported that they had a curriculum policy or were developing one ; they consulted widely including with governing bodies ; they now recognised the importance of ‘ breadth ’ and ‘ balance ’ , and the need for relevance of the school curriculum to the world outside .
25 Can I ask would that seriously if it were limited or by virtue of the panel report having identified this problem we reported that we saw a problem if it included B eight , would that be a problem from the point of view either Harrogate or Selby if B eight was in effect , if not in the policy itself , excluded ?
26 The muscles of his arms and chest were rippling as he moved and she felt a hot flush creeping over her body .
27 But it 's not as hard as one that we tried cos we wanted a firm one , she wanted something firm but nice and high .
28 An inquest has been told that a plane crashed because it had a flat battery .
29 An inquest has been told that a plane crashed because it had a flat battery .
30 He tried whether he had a voice in the dream , and it seemed that he had , though a curiously meagre one , for she leaned still closer to hear what he wanted , inclining her earnest head to bring a small , close-set ear almost within touch of his lips .
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