Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [pron] [verb] never " in BNC.

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1 Here , however , lay the crux of the matter , for the King of Prussia and his government maintained that they had never been officially associated with Leopold , whose activities were purely personal , and that the King was concerned with the matter only as head of the House of Hohenzollern .
2 This was challenged by one of the defendants who maintained that she had never been on stage in a state of total nudity , as the police present maintained .
3 James mentioned that he had never understood why people went on strike until he became a wage-earner .
4 Tawell , who was deeply affronted that such a respectable businessman should be arrested on such a charge , exclaimed that he had never heard of Sara Hart , nor of Salt Hill , and he had definitely never been there .
5 Altogether 149 respondents reported that they had never undertaken or funded any HIV prevention work specifically aimed at gay or bisexual men .
6 Robinson paid tribute to Mrs Ash 's excellent housekeeping , and lamented that she had never become the Mother she was ideally suited to be .
7 She behaved as she had never thought it would be possible for her to behave .
8 As she looked down at this small collection of his personal belongings , she realized that she had never thought of him as having any reality beyond the few hours they had spent together at the cottage .
9 Listening to them , Folly realised that she had never got around to asking Luke what he had been doing at Lexy 's flat the night before .
10 When they were asked afterwards , both Owen and North admitted that they had never imagined ‘ a victory march down the streets of Managua ’ .
11 This fellow , who must be the only , or almost the only , surviving person outside Japan who has been the target of a nuclear bomb , and who knows what it 's like for real ( as opposed to the criminally bone-headed fantasising about nuclear war indulged in by our sillier soldiers and politicians ) , was not only matter-of-fact about it all , as though it was the sort of thing that might have happened to anyone , but he actually admitted that he had never given a thought to the possibility that he might be at risk as a result of the radiation he undoubtedly suffered at the time until recent weeks when various busybodies brought the matter to his attention .
12 As for the matter of the diversion of funds , he still believed that there had never been such a thing .
13 ‘ I have never seen Soho on the screen , ’ wrote Ernest Betts in 1928 and then he added that he had never seen Southend , Birmingham , Chelsea , Bloomsbury , or London suburbia either .
14 It was almost three months since he had been home , but now , standing there , it seemed that he had never been away .
15 In the bed she lay and imagined that she had never come here , that her life went on , between the shop of Mr Gerard and the flat .
16 She understood why Johnny had felt saddened when he had learned of their passing , and she smiled briefly as she recalled that she had never found the courage to tell him of the passing of that Empire , too — fearing that such knowledge could have precipitated an apoplectic fit !
17 Pressing his foot to the floor , Nate Springfield drove as he 'd never driven before …
18 I knew that I 'd loved you from the moment we first met and I 'd never stopped . ’
19 Which in itself was no lie , but it just so happened that she 'd never been allowed to join the other children in such frivolous pastimes , she reflected with a touch of resentment .
20 His mother had returned home without him and stated that she had never felt he was really her baby .
21 Some owners of OTC-traded warrants claimed that they had never received anything written about exercising them at all .
22 Ten patients ( 3.2% ) claimed that they had never been advised to check their urine , a further 39 ( 13% ) never checked their urine , and 53 ( 17% ) checked their urine less than weekly .
23 On visiting the Landes Park flock , much publicised by the Tesco supermarket advertisements featuring Dudley Moore , David Whiting , on behalf of CIWF , commented that he had never seen chickens kept in better conditions .
24 But he commented that he has never forgotten what she said .
25 Another girl commented that she had never ever been told she was beautiful , and believed strongly that all children should be told this by their parents .
26 To which Robert replied that he had never been interested in photography .
27 that we had from the day we opened and we 've never found them !
28 My mother , who could have held nothing personal against these creatures , remarked that she had never liked them .
29 I remembered how once , when a tunnel had been successfully completed contrary to expectation , he had jockeyed himself into a position on the team which finally escaped although he had never done any of the work .
30 " Now then … in 1959 your husband came to the conclusion , and I am given to understand that you fully agreed , that it would be a sensible step for him to take employment for 15 months with a construction firm in Central America , in order to save the larger part of his salary Nenna protested that she had never exactly thought it sensible , it was the parting of lovers , which must always be senseless , but they 'd both of them thought that David , Panama , would be a wretched place to take small children to .
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