Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 Upon recovery from the overdose , Charles said he had not cared whether he lived or died at the time of taking the tablets , but wanted to show Ann how desperate he was feeling .
2 He found that gazing at the CO 's moustache helped .
3 The Frasque , that had seemed so desiccated and invulnerable , shrivelled and burned at the Capellans ' slightest gesture .
4 It caught and twisted at the heart , and there was no armour against it .
5 They hooted and waved at the boats as they whizzed by .
6 John slowly rose and sat at the table where he was soon joined by the two women .
7 He knew that she stopped and stared at the sea or the sky far too much these days .
8 As Charlie approached the Whitechapel Road , he stopped and stared at the frantic bustle taking place all around him .
9 She stopped and looked at the garden ; inside the square was a circle of flower beds .
10 She stopped and looked at the other three who were scrutinising her in amused silence .
11 I stopped and looked at the big house .
12 It was a very nice day out actually , and everything from serious riders who just went up and down and the most energetic one did a hundred miles , to families who treated it , took a picnic and stopped and looked at the badger tunnels .
13 She stopped and blushed at the stupidity of the question , adding quickly , ‘ You work here in the village , of course . ‘
14 Then he stopped and bowed at the waist .
15 They stopped and wondered at the crude little pageant parked outside the cottage , stroking its paintwork and prying into the winches and traps .
16 Old Ranza , a very large and mostly white collie , sighed by her chair as she hummed and hawed at the cottage sketch .
17 This was foreseen by the local residents who objected and petitioned at the time planning permission was under consideration .
18 I changed and bathed at the tavern where my master was staying in Great Mary Axe Street near Bishopsgate .
19 Poor Kodiak whined and scratched at the verandah door as we drove off .
20 When she had the hackles high on her shoulders , when she whined and scratched at the back door , then the house was watched .
21 Trent surfaced and yelled at the men in the cockpit to swim a lifejacket out to him .
22 While in Amritsar he visited and prayed at the Golden Temple , Sikhism 's most hallowed shrine which had been the subject in 1984 of an Army assault [ see pp. 33223-24 ] , in a gesture of reconciliation .
23 When he realised that arriving at The Bar meant he was still only just at the start of his wanderings or journey , he ached some nights to be told that he need go no farther than this .
24 MacDiarmid waved him forward with a commanding sweep of his arm and he came and sat at the end of the table .
25 Modigliani , of course , spotted her at once and came and sat at the next table .
26 Both places had latches and as long as I got ten yards ' start on him , I could slam the door shut and slip my half clothes-peg under the latch — I always carried a half clothes-peg for the purpose — and no matter how much he blasphemed and kicked at the door he could n't get in .
27 As a leading historian of medieval technology has remarked , ‘ No European community felt able to hold up its head unless in its midst the planets wheeled in cycles and epicycles , whilst angels trumpeted and countermarched at the booming of the hours . ’
28 Erlich helped out with the Little League team in Rome that played and practised at the American School on the Via Cassia most Saturday mornings .
29 Benjamin stirred and shouted at the slattern to bring a toothpick .
30 In an extract from the introduction to the Birds of Australia , Gould describes the fate that befell these two men who lived and died at the mercy of the violent and contrary Australian climate :
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