Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] to each [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Suppose a subject is listening to different sequences of sounds played independently to each ear through a pair of headphones in order to pick out and respond to a particular target sound .
2 The only two who wore soutanes talked only to each other .
3 And while they were up there in the wide , blue yonder , they jabbered non-stop to each other over the radio .
4 I watched as my veiled friends chatted busily to each other or rose to greet some relative , touching burgah to burgah , then fluttered down again like so many birds of paradise .
5 He was worn out trying to control the University students who dropped their spears on the stairs and chatted loudly to each other in the wings .
6 They were both very fair complexioned , and they chatted sporadically to each other in a language foreign to Mr Frizzell , who imagined that they must be Dutch or German .
7 The girlfriends and wives of the young officers were pretty , well-bred girls who leant over to each other and laughed a lot as they waited for the ceremony to start .
8 The glass of wine went quickly to each head , for Alix 's family was teetotal , and Liz 's alcohol consumption to that date comprised perhaps three glasses of brown sherry and one ( celebrating her A levels with her teacher ) of Liebfraumilch : Esther seemed better connected with drink as with friends , but even she became confiding under the mild influence .
9 Gascoigne went up to each player in the dressing-room before the kick-off , roughly shook him , and demanded he die for the club and the cause .
10 The little trees in the hedges on each side of the path reached out to each other across it like the opposing factions at a wedding : the families of the bride and groom which will never be united but must maintain a truce , unnaturally bound by the exigent complicity of the couple .
11 She no longer looked forward to each day , so much had she come to dread her sister 's peremptory orders , the changes of routine , the explanatory telephone calls .
12 For a moment , just before they left the house , as she and her aunt clung tightly to each other , the silent tears coursing down their faces , Ruth hated America and wished that it had never been discovered .
13 The bride , in a white wedding gown , and the groom , in a tuxedo , clung tightly to each other as they took the terrifying plunge .
14 The two women spoke rapidly to each other in German , their conversation punctuated with laughter .
15 McLeish asked whereabouts and discovered it was three roads away from his own flat , so they complained enjoyably to each other about the local council .
16 The two held on to each other tightly .
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