Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] and i [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sweetie , you know I said if there was anything heavy that needed doing you were to wait until I got in and I 'd do it .
2 The vehicles drew alongside and I could see their amber lights through the canvas and hear slamming doors and excited friendly voices .
3 I do n't live round here ’ , and my mind sort of blacked out and I ca n't remember getting home , though I did get back , changed my clothes and had a bath .
4 I passed through and I could not get back … ’
5 ‘ Look , ’ the superintendent said , ‘ I only just came on and I ca n't make head nor tail of this .
6 And I went up and down the road and miles away then came back and I could n't stop because this bike was very old fashioned and you had to stop it by pedalling back
7 My mother danced away and I could n't see her .
8 left and I cut it up this morning before you got up and I could n't cut it with the scissors !
9 Madam Deputy Speaker , erm there 'll be no need for any pruning from the chair because I had just mentioned the word banks at the very point that you madam speaker , got up and I can assure that er pruning would not be in order .
10 I 've just had two great jockeys John Francombe and Jonjo O'Neill phone me and they both agree it 's time I got out and I should be pleased they tell me
11 He 's got some flowers for you and was asking the porters , and I told him you worked here and I 'd get you .
12 I thought on and I should have brought , long , long .
13 Everything hurt unremittingly and I could no longer pretend I could ignore it .
14 And he went round and I 'll tell you what , he worked with a man called Ross .
15 We are elected by the public to do a job and we should n't be ashamed of the amount of money that we 're paid for it , and what I would say is , that no manifesto in May 's election said we were going to come here and vote for more money for members , nobody put on their leaflets , vote for me and I will raise members allowances by five percent in the coming year , I did n't and I wo n't support that , and you will argue , perhaps some of you that that 's not really what we 're doing , but it look 's like it , does n't it ?
16 I do n't think I could , I 'd go up that erm I did alright and I would n't say I 've done well .
17 And erm so we set off and I ca n't remember which village it was but it was towards the Humber Estuary somewhere and it was what I call a cul-de-sac village .
18 I fell a d do you remember we went before and I fell and I just sat there and I could n't , they , this erm woman and this man come to help me up and I could n't stop laughing , they could n't get me up .
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