Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [adv] into the " in BNC.

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1 Then it shook itself , got down off the mushroom , and moved slowly away into the grass .
2 The little , now indistinguishable dark patch , gave a jump and then moved slowly forward into the uncertain light .
3 He stood for a while , watching the pyrotechnic chaos in the yard below , then moved slowly back into the banqueting hall .
4 She watched as Simon wandered on through into the all-white kitchen , the door swinging shut behind him .
5 It was because she had known the contagion of the one that she entered so passionately into the incorruptibility of the other .
6 But the landscape became grander and more exciting as we drove north ; great fiords cut deep into the land , and mountain-sides of lava screes towered away up into the clouds .
7 The boat moved comfortably out into the river .
8 And , as she peered more closely into the mirror , she could see that it was drawing closer .
9 CULT DIRECTOR John Waters moved still further into the mainstream with the US success of Cry-Baby , due here in Sept .
10 He turned and charged quickly off into the forest to rescue his friend , only to find a German splayed out on the ground and Tommy still running on up the hill .
11 He moved quickly back into the bridge and picked up a phone .
12 Then I picked up a pebble and flung it out to sea ; it rose straight up into the air and landed on the ground a few yards behind me .
13 When they first moved far enough into the courtyard to glimpse Gabriel sitting on his cloud , the morning sunshine dazzled eyes that had been indoors for days on end .
14 They both staggered back out into the corridor .
15 I peered back ruminatively into the pen .
16 Preston sat there for a while stroking her and then , when he was sure that she was sleeping soundly , he crossed over to the window and lifted a corner of the curtain and peered cautiously out into the street .
17 He worked the slide as quietly as he could , chambering a round , then he moved back out into the sitting room towards the door .
18 As Lucy moved back out into the passageway , she met the returning tide from the last ensemble number onstage ; they arrived in a rush , panting like horses and shedding their quasi-military costumes as they moved .
19 They moved out slowly into the corridor , Chen looking about him , prepared at any moment to thrust the knife deep into Herrick 's throat .
20 It was not until 1870 , however , that the government moved really forcefully into the provision of primary education .
21 Storms and high tides over the winter gauged even deeper into the sand dunes .
22 Her bare flesh came close enough to his face for him to inhale its pungent female odour and he peered around desperately into the gloom for some sign of his French companion .
23 Pilot F/O E Foit bailed out of the stricken Hurricane , and the aircraft crashed almost vertically into the Loch .
24 Mathilda peered fearfully down into the garden and got to her feet .
25 The initiative moved firmly back into the hands of more conservative forces within the government .
26 He flung the kitchen door open and staggered blindly out into the back garden , weaving his way across the lawn .
27 ‘ Yeh , ’ he answered , and he sank happily back into the soft white pillow .
28 But those universities moved very largely into the public domain without sacrificing too much of their independence , and by improving the standard of their entry .
29 It lingered on well into the 1930s .
30 Centuries before , according to Uncle Vernon , the water came right up into the town , and in rough weather people had to be carried ashore .
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