Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [adv] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 It was naturally tempting for a rather superstitious man to trust again to an intuitive judgment of his own made in much the same circumstances as in the previous year .
2 This will be a series of reasoned , relevant points made in much the same way as a lawyer presents a case in a court of law , though your case will not be as one-sided as a lawyer 's and your judge will be the reader or teacher !
3 The rest of the week passed in much the same way as that first day .
4 But if the stranger was an exact replica of myself , behaved in exactly the same way , etc. , he would obviously find it more difficult to make a correct identification .
5 Many years later Alison behaved in exactly the same way .
6 In his concern to endow his sons adequately , Edward behaved in much the same way as other members of landowning society , and although he exploited the marriage market for the benefit of his own family he did not monopolize it : both the Earl of Arundel and the Earl of March gained substantially from the king 's bestowal upon them of wealthy heiresses .
7 Those inside it behaved in precisely the same way .
8 The bedding which I observed at first hand in 1954 in the peasant community of Pul Eliya was nothing like as grand as the stereotype ; but , apart from some minor differences , it had all the same elements and for the most part they occurred in just the same sequence .
9 ‘ In a subsequent editorial the newspaper fiercely attacked the CPS decision … and questioned whether the CPS would have made the same decision if the woman had been a black girl caught in exactly the same way on Broadwater Farm .
10 But just as the overall form of our body remains the same , despite the constant replacement of the atoms and molecules of which it is made , so is the overall form of nature maintained as identifiably the same old physical universe , though the pattern may alter markedly over the course of time .
11 He could smile to order or smile for real , with real pleasure , and it came out just the same , it came out so beautiful that you were sure not to notice the difference .
12 The upvc comes in planks , in sizes similar to timber , and can be cut , nailed and screwed in much the same way .
13 The working-scale model included part of a farm with a stream running through and including three clamp silos from which effluent poured in exactly the same proportions as from clamps containing grass treated in different ways .
14 She had the same colour hair , all yellow and curly , and she walked in just the same way , sort of little bouncing steps .
15 At Sunningdale the same collection of old people , arranged in much the same order , was watching television in the day room .
16 Incidentally , this cream cheese mixture , spread on little fingers of bread and cooked in just the same way , is extremely good for a cocktail party as a change from those eternal sausages .
17 After resting and lazing for nearly an hour , after the children had slid down enough dunes , chased enough birds , fallen in the water enough times , we returned in much the same way as we started out , except this time Maha leapt into the boat and would not move .
18 THE WAR of words over the John Birt affair intensified yesterday when the former managing director of the BBC , Bill Cotton , criticised six senior journalists within the corporation for writing to the Times backing Mr Birt .
19 The next day Sandison followed almost exactly the same route through the town .
20 Many small town craftsmen worked on much the same plan .
21 This reversed the action of the pitch , elevator and tail rotor channels so that the model handled in exactly the same manner inverted as it did the normal way up .
22 Instead the trial proceeds on the basis of oral evidence given by witnesses who are called by the parties and examined in much the same fashion as in England .
23 What is new however is the suggestion , which at the time of writing must have appeared as the height of impertinence , that the Greek and Roman states originated in much the same kind of confederation as the Iroquois .
24 Tolkien would have liked that , for it would make ‘ luck ’ a close modern equivalent of the Old English word usually translated ‘ fate ’ and derived in exactly the same way from the verb ( ge ) weorþan , ‘ to become , to happen ’ .
25 For many men it implied that women would be introduced to freedoms and pleasures previously enjoyed only by themselves , and conceived in exactly the same terms .
26 Paying homage to Allende , he said , restored not only the latter 's dignity , but that of hundreds of other victims of military repression whose bodies still awaited discovery in anonymous graves .
27 It started pretty much the same as the first …
28 The afternoon wore on much the same as the morning , only more slowly .
29 It was also useless to pretend that corruption at elections was one-sided ; the scale was far smaller than thirty years earlier , but it went on just the same in both parties .
30 After all , despite what the judge had said Britain still went on much the same , Berlin was still a divided city ( and was later to become even more so ) and Russia seemed no more or less secure .
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