Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 One could detect a purr of satisfaction when John Major replied that actually some other European countries made rather a mess of things : that Belgium had taken 100 days to form a government ; that the Italian political system was a disaster and the French one not much better ; and that , if they had any sense , they would copy the way we do things .
2 You got rather a lot of beans .
3 Even though Jennifer Capriati produced arguably the performance of the tournament when she beat world champion Monica Seles in the quarter finals at Key Biscayne , there was the strongest feeling still that her new partnership with Steffi Graf 's former coach , Pavel Slozil , could not work .
4 Coke , a bitter opponent of prerogative power , attacked vigorously the jurisdiction of all the courts exercising this jurisdiction .
5 In a March speech at the Hotel Cecil he laid down a plan of submitting food taxes — the most controversial item — to a referendum .
6 The getaway driver , in a blue Ford , laid down a burst of suppressing fire , forcing the bodyguards to dive for cover .
7 Mel Chin ( USA , b. 1951 ) laid down a field of plants which extract heavy metals from the ground by a process called hyperaccumulation , in his ‘ Revival field Netherlands : simultaneous replicated field experiments ’ .
8 Then you laid down a bed of branches .
9 Major-General Frank Kitson , writing in 1977 , laid down a code of basic principles for the guidance of a government fighting terrorism .
10 It may happen when parents have indoctrinated their children , that is , laid down a set of beliefs without allowing the children freedom to think for themselves and to come up with their own reactions .
11 Twenty years ago liberal justices on the court laid down a series of laws against discriminatory employment practices .
12 In addition to specifying what the core should contain , the framework laid down the percentage of the timetable to be allocated to some subjects , for example , English and mathematics were each to be allocated ten per cent .
13 For 50 years the Hops Marketing Board was a governmentregulated body that laid down the price of hops and how many each grower should produce on an annual basis .
14 With the final umbrella of the Charter , which theoretically laid down the principles of the paper and what it stood for , the last bricks were put into the edifice .
15 L 20 , p. 19 ) , which laid down the principle of equal access to fishing grounds ; ( b ) the thirtieth recital in the Preamble to Council Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 3796/81 on the common organisation of the market in fishery products ( Official Journal 1981 No .
16 General Carson laid down the slip of paper he had been studying and looked at the colonel seated across the table from him .
17 But Lombroso laid down the foundations of most of what was to follow in genetic theories of crime .
18 A Hungarian-French treaty of friendship and concord signed on Sept. 11 laid down the terms of co-operation between the two countries on minority issues and on Hungary 's desire for full membership of the European Communities ( EC ) .
19 While he was doing a little more manipulation of the bones before the plaster set , she got ready an injection of antibiotic and he took it from her with a nod of approval .
20 Mentioning this once to his mother she was speedily put right : Pen was all his father , lacked entirely the characteristics of those other Barrett males .
21 Annie picked up her copy of the Workshop weekly newsletter and skimmed down the list of meetings , appeals for information , contacts , list of new women 's liberation publications .
22 Leith swallowed hard , and knew , before the weakness of loving him , the weakness of wanting him battered down the rest of her defences , small though those defences were , that she had to appeal to that in him which she somehow knew would make him hate himself if he took her .
23 A few swift strokes of the comb smoothed her bubbly curls into soft wings which lay neatly against her well-shaped head and feathered down the nape of her neck .
24 For him it now became less a place of protest than a refuge for failures , free-loaders and misfits .
25 As we steamed down the Sound of Mull one fine afternoon , my No. 1 , Dave Scadding , who was a keen fisherman , noticed a flock of gulls screaming on the water ahead .
26 I was manhandled to my feet , unchained , then led down a flight of steps , lit by bare bulbs , to the inner section .
27 The only injury Crawford sustained in making the second series was when he stubbed his finger while inside a wardrobe that tumbled down a flight of stairs in an episode about Frank attending an RAF reunion .
28 There at Bruges negotiations , which had been initiated by the papacy in 1374 , foundered on the issue of sovereignty over Aquitaine and produced only a succession of fitful truces until April 1377 .
29 With singer Bradley acting out his Mozzer fantasies by lurching around on top of the monitors — only lacking a bunch of daffs stuffed down the back of his pants — their arrogance level has been hoisted a welcome couple of notches .
30 After he 'd found the half-burned counterfoil slips from the railway tickets stuffed down the back of the apartment 's disused fireplace , his next move had been to return to his Militia post and report that an anonymous source had given him some information on the whereabouts of Alina Petrovna , escapee from the prison hospital and probable murderer of the psychiatrist Belov .
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