Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [prep] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Did you , ’ Markby asked patiently for about the third or fourth time , ‘ intend to make her fall ? ’
2 Harrington 's fortunes rose steeply for about the first 150 generations .
3 A wail more dismal than the bird cries rose up from under the horse .
4 The crew swam out from under the canoe and attached themselves to the upturned hull .
5 A Bentley swam out from behind the ranch house 's tamarisk hedge , accelerated arrogantly and , passing him , drove him back flat against the hedge .
6 He rose languidly from behind the desk and padded to the door .
7 He simply moved out from between the cars as if he was going to walk off and Maggie took two aggressive steps forward .
8 But if the Mother of God heard , she must have decided that the cause was not a worthy one , for as Jennifer moved out from behind the dovecot she felt herself seized from behind .
9 A crowd of tiny creatures , moving so fast that it could hardly see them , charged out from under the table and wrapped a length of old electricity wire around its outflung arms .
10 c came in with with the the reputation and the press reports about the area , firmly embedded in their in their head .
11 I 'll take them later , ’ Philpott muttered gruffly from behind the newspaper .
12 The middle sister discovered the body when she came home at about the sixth hour of night . ’
13 If you believe the Thames Valley CID — not the account they gave at the inquest , when the events were still fresh in everyone 's minds , but the one they came up with in the months following my return to this country — then having lured Dennis on to the river and dosed him with draughts of spiked bubbly , Karen and I went ‘ One , two , three ’ and heaved him overboard .
14 But the things is , he wanted to a lot of things about came up like in the middle
15 Then in the lake an old man came up from under the water and took a great scoopful of water and drank deeply .
16 With that , Dick changed course , and in a short while they came up from behind the Shuttle .
17 And Ruth came back from behind the screen with a white paper in her hand , brightly painted green and mauve .
18 I came out at at the wrong time .
19 " It 's all right , " he conceded as they came out from between the decaying buildings and the green hoardings , " but … " he smiled and looked at Slater , " do n't give up your day job . "
20 Suddenly a long arm came out from under the rags and a bony hand grasped Marian 's shoulder .
21 As the sun sank lower and touched the edge of the cloudbelt on the horizon , Hazel came out from under the branches and looked carefully round the lower slope .
22 They were n't alone ; and then the next thought was that Sandy must have come up from below and was now standing on the quay , but then that thought died as what he 'd taken for her shadow came out from under the stairway .
23 They strode to meet the carts , and Alexei came out from under the tree .
24 And then , as I came out from under the stairs , I heard something moving upstairs .
25 When the sun came out from behind the fog , the world turned golden and beautiful .
26 A grey thing came out from behind the tree and came towards me .
27 Wolves may not howl here in the moonlight , as they did in the journal of Jonathan Harker , but I have no difficulty in seeing Slains as he saw Count Dracula 's castle in Bukovina , the tall black windows from which not a glimmer of light came , and the jagged battlements glimpsed when the moon came out from behind the fitful clouds .
28 He came out from behind the desk , and gestured at the sofa .
29 A saleswoman came out from behind the counter and asked if she could help .
30 The catering assistants started to wind down the evening 's proceedings , and Katrina and one of the other girls ( Bridget ) came out from around the back to tidy up the customer area .
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