Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [verb] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Controlled experimental hypoglycaemia induced by a clamp technique similar to that which we used clearly showed delayed and diminished hormonal and symptomatic responses to hypoglycaemia in diabetic patients receiving intensified insulin therapy — a situation in which loss of awareness of hypoglycaemia and increased risk of severe hypoglycaemia is well described .
2 The Shakers believed rooms should be tidy so they designed finely crafted fitted and storage furniture , all available from this shop .
3 Steve looked at it , he said I think you 'd better go to shop and buy yoursen a new one .
4 ‘ Did n't you say I 'd only got to come an' see yer if the geezer got awkward ? ’
5 And as I say , if it was done in a very civilized way by people who 'd perhaps learnt to smile or somehow turn this , what must be a minor offence , into a minor occasion , erm I think it , it might actually ease relationships .
6 Bashed your dad 's side , the wing and we could see a policeman putting , it was pouring with rain and he was putting his er , big mac on and he should of been directing the traffic , he told us that , he come over to us and he was only young like and he said , oh I 'd just left , I was on duty here I 'd just left to go and put my mac on !
7 Something for the weekend , sir , she said , stopping him just as he was about to leave with another young man — you see she 'd noticed that they had n't talked before going off together , they 'd just started kissing and were going to drag each other home without discussing anything , and they were young , really young , eighteen .
8 It was what I 'd always wanted to happen but thought never would .
9 She wore an outfit she 'd always wanted to try but felt she was too plump to risk — a scarlet bustier and a black net skirt .
10 It was her dad 's favourite piece that he 'd always refused to sell and which had had pride of place on top of the mantelpiece in the parlour .
11 It was felt that , although widespread commitment to languages was apparent through the extensive resourcing in all companies surveyed , staff interviewed frequently felt undervalued and under threat from central management .
12 Eliot 's words : ‘ no longer at home in the old dispensation ’ , they returned home having found and having been found .
13 He was that pathetic and undernourished I kept on having to stop and let him catch me up .
14 He went on pretending to read and then he suddenly looked up and stared at her , examining her .
15 I went home empty handed and uncertain about what to do next .
16 Those who served here and went back to continue to live and serve at home which we represent .
17 Julia closed her eyes , partly because that was a question she did not want to answer and partly because she thought it might help to stop her flinging her arms around his neck and saying , kiss me , oh please kiss me .
18 ‘ It was a derby which City did not want to lose and we were left to make the running a lot of the time .
19 Caterina judged then , as she watched Rosa pin her hair , that the ease with which she , Caterina , won applause — when she danced and sang the cherry song , or strewed flowers before the host in the procession , making a little reverence to the monstrance on every third step backwards — was undeserved , the effect of some trick she did not want to perform but that came to her naturally from some evil in her , the same evil that had inspired her bad thoughts of Tommaso and prevented her doing as her sister , her beloved sister , wanted .
20 Then came a day of snow showers , and she did not want to drive and waited until the late afternoon while Magnus sat and whined by the door .
21 He said there were items which he had wanted to buy but Mrs Knight did not want to sell and he did not take them away .
22 He did not want to die and yet his increasing depression was making existence intolerable .
23 Bacon did not want to teach but liked the studio that was offered him , and so replaced Minton , less as a tutor than as an honorary visitor .
24 Between those who did not want to hear and those who did not want to know , North was left , as George understood , alone .
25 Perhaps — no , not perhaps , but because McAllister , with all her youthful ebullience and charm , was in his house , she had revived something in him which he did not want to feel and he had called up the demon to assuage it — no , to kill it .
26 I simply did not want to play and confess that I was close to giving up completely .
27 I did not expect to survive but miraculously I escaped and got out of the country .
28 I did not go to playschool or kindergarten so going to primary school was a big event in my life .
29 But he did not go to jail and the story melted into the general horror that was Vietnam .
30 Both coxes steered well and the blades did not appear to touch but the youthful Chick probably won the battle against Cambridge 's Andy Probert .
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