Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] still [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When we were asleep , it had ceased to matter , but when we ate it still remained a bore .
2 ‘ That we 'd had a short but intense affair , and when we 'd met again and realised we still felt the same about each other you 'd revealed how Thomas was mine . ’
3 It is often the way with Mughal ruins : while the more primitive forts which preceded them still have an aura of power as they rise solid and impregnable from the burning plains , the silky refinement expressed in Mughal architecture turns , in decay , to something approaching seediness .
4 And although 75 per cent of them thought 16 was the right time to start having sex , girls admitted they still made the mistake , often with drastic consequences , of saying Yes when they really meant No .
5 I was not at all afraid , because I knew I still had the power to calm him .
6 Liz 's education was to take more than three years : she had already decided to specialize in psychiatry , and knew she still had a long journey ahead of her .
7 No I think , I thought we still had a chance , albeit you know the odds had gone down a bit or increased , but er no I thought we still had a chance , it was gon na be harder because if we lost any more by the wayside then you know you 're gon na be , it would 've been very awkward .
8 No I think , I thought we still had a chance , albeit you know the odds had gone down a bit or increased , but er no I thought we still had a chance , it was gon na be harder because if we lost any more by the wayside then you know you 're gon na be , it would 've been very awkward .
9 But even if American anti-imperialism were diluted in practice , the British knew they still faced an uphill struggle after the war to regain the degree of international power and influence which they believed was rightly theirs .
10 Perhaps he thought he still had the right to wear it .
11 I was afraid of getting an arrow in my eyes , but I suddenly remembered I still had an old pair of reading glasses in my pocket , so I put them on and continued my work .
12 Did they still think the Earth was flat in those days ?
13 In what corner of what foreign field did he still keep the faith , further the revolution , wake up his current lover at three in the morning to discuss the delicate interweavings of class and race .
14 Did he still have no memory of the previous night ?
15 After the decision , Mrs Taylor said she still believed the case was about Sunday trading .
16 Mr Major said he still believed the treaty was good for Britain and Europe , but added : ‘ We now need to consider the way forward . ’
17 But Labour group leader Coun John Williams said he still believed the majority of Darlington 's disabled would benefit from the new arrangements .
18 Harvey said he still had a temperature and must have something to eat before he went to bed .
19 Afterwards he dismissed the defeat as no more than ‘ irritating ’ and said he still had a good chance of winning the match .
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