Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The outcome of the local government election showed little change for the main parties , and SDLP MP Eddie McGrady said the Secretary of State would see the results revealed nothing that he did not already know .
2 It was only after they had peered into and groped about in what they felt certain was the right cave but found nothing that they decided to withdraw into the trees and wait for the dawn .
3 Monty promised me that I had nothing to worry about .
4 Violet Sangston promised me that I knew most of the other guests .
5 They eventually found something that she thought perfect .
6 It just completely changed everything that I thought about music .
7 Yet it scorched him that he had been unable to give her that chance himself .
8 Did you not think when you saw the girl in the way you found her that I had actually ruined her , as she calls it ?
9 It disturbed him that she had n't broken the news by saying she was pregnant .
10 I said , " Yes " , and I plugged it that I 'd done it while I 'd had Louisa and that 's what I think went in my favour in a way .
11 All I know is that there are better people in , that , are more intelligent people that are better informed about than me or you and they deemed it that we 've got something to fear against and I 'm willing to take that .
12 It was n't until I 'd bought one and used it that I realised how much it speeded up knitting .
13 And Charles prided himself that he had never knowingly taken advantage of anyone ( anyone , that is , who did n't deserve it ) .
14 Her credibility increased when she advised me that it did not really matter whether I believed in homeopathy or not .
15 And she believed me that it did n't match three piece suite or carpet and it was stupid , and that sh and she says what shall I do about them ?
16 To a young doctor like myself , these were my ‘ valuables ’ — the Zeiss Ikon microscope in the scuffed leather case , its precious lenses protected from dust by silk covers ; the glass-lidded box of stainless-steel instruments — retractors , forceps , hooks , scissors and needles ; my much-thumbed copy of that heavy-going but essential tome , Gray 's Anatomy ; manuals of pharmacology and pharmacy ; Belding 's Textbook of Clinical Parasitology and Strong 's Prevention and Treatment of Tropical Diseases , both of which I 'd bought at the last minute in the hope that the young man in John Bell & Croyden in Wigmore Street was right when he assured me that they provided ‘ the answers to all tropical problems ’ ; and some bound volumes of the British Medical Journal which I had picked up cheap in Charing Cross Road .
17 ‘ You assured me that he had no amorous intentions .
18 She instantly strode across the shop and took a book from among thousands and assured me that it contained all I would ever need to know about cooking for ever .
19 John assured me that it did n't matter in the least , and amused himself by taxying the machine up and down the runways , testing and running-in the VW engine at the same time .
20 Hamill assured them that he had sent telegrams on their behalf to Terence O'Neill and Harold Wilson protesting about the incident at the Guildhall .
21 The firm 's owner assured them that he had never received a penny and was paying a large rent for his premises .
22 I mean Paul said , with the blokes down in London and he , he ga gave them the pills and sa told them that they go back home and so he did .
23 They consulted their street map but , before they could work out their route , the little girl told them that they had to go down the hill , over the bridge , past another church , turn to the right and they would come to the church for which they were looking .
24 Hurrying out with his little band through the inner and outer baileys , at the gatehouse their guards told them that they had heard rather than seen the Regent 's force riding between castle and town some time before .
25 Mr Mitsotakis told them that they had won 90% of what they wanted , not the 60% they had won before .
26 Handsome , smiling and smartly suited , he was an immediate hit , all the more so when their mother told them that they had been married that morning .
27 A few people sat on the floor ( no chairs in the drama studio ) and jumped straight to their feet again as an outbreak of jeering laughter told them that they 'd got it wrong .
28 At a meeting in January at Microsoft headquarters in Redmond , Washington with Sun vice-presidents Eric Schmidt and Carl Ledbetter , Microsoft executive Paul Apritz told them that they faced a business decision .
29 At this point Suor Eusebia intervened and told them that she knew how to open it .
30 She told them that she had ‘ done ’ the house for the past five years , and hoped she could go on doing it .
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